Chapter 52: Captain Sparrow

Start from the beginning

        It was informed that the said island appeared a few months ago for some strange reason but it would vanish when anyone dared to come near it. It was like it had a sensor about intentions that not one was able to reach it or whatsoever no matter how or what they tried and it frightened me out for some bit. What if there were demons there? Coz if you ask me, I could live without meeting one again.

             "Triumvia is northwest of Zamonia. Don't ask me how far away off for I have never traveled to that continent." Mikael said with a shrug and I nodded somberly, my eyes drifting off to Ryouta.

             "What's with that ridiculous large bag anyway?" I asked Ryouta with my eyebrows up when I saw his large load unlike ours which weren't even half of his bag's size. He grinned at me because of my question and pulled out food from it, making me grimace but I wasn't anywhere near surprised anymore. Ugh, why did I even ask.

           I just watched Mikael and Ryouta argue about Ryouta's love of food yet again. Mikael was scolding him to control his hobby and telling him to diet at the least while the latter narrowed his eyes and pouted, shaking his head stubbornly like a little child. It was amusing for me to watch actually....But remembering something, gloom and sadness settled inside of me.

         I watched the soft glimmer of happiness in Ryouta's eyes which was always unnoticed by others but always noticed by me who knows about things they don't.

          I don't know why he keeps quiet about it and refuses to tell anyone about it but if that is what he wants... Who am I to ask?

        But it's just that every time he forces a smile, so fake yet so convincing, it always breaks me. I am not him but after seeing his memories.... I know his pain and am now suffering just the same for him.

        I wondered how he can act so care-free in front of everyone, so gullible and happy when he burdens something dark and heavy inside....always keeping it all to himself... the exact reason why I wanted to question him...



      I felt someone looking at the back of my head for sometime now so I broke off my glaring contest from Mikael and glanced at my back. Sure enough, I saw Muriel staring at me with a pained look on her face for some reason, making my forehead form lines and I stopped eating for a moment.

     However, she looked like she was lost in thought because she seemed to not notice that I was already staring back at her which was kinda already long enough that she should have already.

      It took her a minute then to notice my stare and she gave me an awkward smile before she flew off towards Raziel who was joking on with his two best friends, Shingu and Rex which told me that something was up with how she acted even if her intention was the not let me notice.

      I shook my head and sighed deeply due to her actions. So I was right... she was the one who saw my memories, most of it I mean, for Leirum seemed to not know of my deeper secrets. But still, I was thankful that she didn't inform nor tell the others about it.

      "What's wrong?" Mikael asked me with concern in his voice sue to my silence and I bitterly smiled with my back still on him, before shaking my head and putting on a bright smile once again and faced him.

      "Nothing. You want some?" I offered happily, showing him a bag of chips that I had asked Lord Asrael to buy just for me when he went to see for himself that Earth was alright just a few days ago. Well, practically speaking, I begged him to do it.

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