Chapter 6

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So here it is! One chapter away from the finale! Well...I guess it's not a 'finale' because it's not that long. BUT I'm happy to get done with it so people can enjoy it.

~Addie's POV~

When I saw Chase's face, I was heartbroken. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. He was holding my hand and looking at the floor. I couldn't move to show him I was okay. All I could do was look at him. That's what hurt the most. Then the door opened and I listened.

"Chase. It isn't your fault." That was my sister. Oh, she must have been so worried about me. I just wanted to say I was sorry but I couldn't speak.

"Yes, it is. I pushed her over the edge. It's all my fault."  I looked at him and he looked like he was crying even harder. I can't take this anymore. I used every drop of strength in my body to squeeze my hand so he could sense I was up. I opened my eyes and my sister fell against the door frame just looking at me. Chase looked at me with those big blue eyes of his. Then I started breathing really heavily because my body hadn't started 'regularly breathing' yet so my heart moniter was going crazy. All Chase did was squeeze my hand.

Then docters started rushing to help me get regulated. They tried to take Chase away and suceeded but not without him saying that he wasn't leaving and then Ricky had to come get him.

~2 hours later~

I laid on the bed and waited for them to let in my friends and family. The nurses surrounded me to make sure everything is all right.

"Can Chase come now?" I asked.

"Not right now, sweety." One nurse replied.

"Pleaseee. All I want is Chase right now. Please."

"Okay. We will get him in a few minutes."

"Okay. I'm gonna take your word on that." She looked me in the eyes for a couple of minutes and I saw a glimpse of pity and nodded.

~Chase's POV~

It's felt like days since they sperated me and Addie. As soon as she opened her eyes, I was speachless. All I could do was sit there and hold her hand. I was so happy she woke up, but then I had to leave and now they won't let me back in.


"Yes?" I shot out of my chair.

"She's been asking for you." And she held a hand out to the door. I was so relieved I just wanted to run in there, but I didn't want to seem to anxious. So I just walked in and looked at Addie.

"Hi Chase." She said and gave a little weak wave. I walked up to her and gave her a hug, but I fell to my knees still hugging her. I started bawling. I bet I looked like a complete wimp, but I was fine with that because Addie was awake.

"I'm sorry Addie. I'm sorry." I cried. She took my face into her hands and pulled me up so I was sitting on the bed. She brought my face close and kissed away my tears.

"It's not your fault, Chase. It really isn't. Our fight was just what happens to couples. The other things that happend pushed me over the edge, not you. I could never run away because you caused it. I just wanted to get away from everyone for a little bit, but then I got lost and kept running and then I got real cold and the rest was a blur. You didn't do this. I promise." She looked into my eyes and I looked back, which made tears roll down my face.

"Thank you, Addie. But just so you know, I will never forgive myself for just letting you go like that." I cried and she held me. It should be the other way around, but I just loved being in her arms. I looked up to see her crying too. "Why are you crying?"

"You care so much about me."

"Of course." Just then her friends and family walked in and I got up and walked to a chair. I watched as her family and friends gave her hugs and sat there thinking about how much I loved this girl.

~Addie's POV~

Seeing all my friends and family made me happy, but we still hadn't worked everything out.

"Hey everyone." I got a hug from everyone, even Ricky.

"Addie, we are so sorry we got mad at you. You were right, we should have waited for you tell us on your own. There was nothing to get mad about." Jamie said with tears in her bloodshot eyes. I can tell she had been crying a lot lately.

"It's okay you two." And they both gave me a hug. "But can I hear a sorry from each of you? I don't want to think you both were mad and your both apoligizing and one of you dosen't want to."

"I'm sorry, Addie." Jamie said and gave me hug.

"I'm truely sorry, Addison." Lillianna said and gave me a hug. That's Lillianna. She's always quiet, but always formal.

"It's okay you two." I said and gave them a smile.

"Girls, mind if we step in for a sec?" I heard my dad ask.

"No problem, Mr. Simpson." Jamie said and walked out. Probably to the food court.

"Hunny, we are so sorry for yelling at you. You didn't deserve such a big decision. You can stay with your mom and I am not moving to Pennsylvaia. I'm moving to a town about 40 miles from here, so you can visit anytime you want."

"Really dad? Oh, thank you guys so much!" I gave them both a big hug.

"Miss Simpson?"

"Yes, Dr. Dandrea?" I said letting my parents go to the cafateria. I guess everyone hadn't eaten in days because they were worrying. Everyone was gone accept for Chase. "Chase, please go eat. You look like you've lost some weight in the past week."

"Are you sure? I mean, I can go when your better."

"Yes I'm sure and Chase I'm all better." Then he got up and walked out of the room.

"Miss Simpson, we believe you will be free to leave tommarow." She gave me a smile.

"Really? Yay! Can you tell me family and friends? They're at the food court."

"Sure Sweety." And she walked out to go tell them.

I'm so excited to leave tommarow. I looked over at the clock. 9:00pm. I hope they don't take to long, I want to got to sleep.


Chase and I were sleeping in the bed. The nurse was a little hesitant at first, but I begged her and she gave in. So I was wrapped up in Chase's arms and I fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. I think right now, everything is perfect.

Awww! Happy Chapter :D But wait! There's more! If you wait now you will get a second chapter FREE! :) Lala! :D Well stick around! Almost done! :D

My First KissTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon