Part 3 [ Part 1]

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Part Three 

My name was being repeated every few seconds. I was deep into the darkness in my own head that it wasn't easy finding my way outside.

"Florica!" I heard it again and again and again. I was lost and could not feel my body. Then suddenly, I was drowning.

"WAKE UP YOU SLEEPY HEAD!" Those shouted words struck in my head just like the church bell. I rose immediately whipping the water she threw on me.

"WHAT?!" I shouted back.

"Don't you dare shout at me! Wake up now I must clean the room. You have been sleeping like a pig. Get up now!" Her eyes were that close to get out of her head. I did as she said and got off bed. I headed for the bathroom for the steam wash. She grabbed my hand and stopped me. After looking at her, I found that she was the head maid. I felt weird that I

wasn't abl to recognize her voice.

"Not now. Before the ball ends with an hour you'll come here to get ready. Three maids and myself will be here waiting for you. Don't embarrass us tonight, will ya!" It was an order from the way the words got out of her mouth. I knew she was talking about what was going to happen later tonight with me, but it was the first time she gave me a warning. Usually they are happy that I hate myself for doing it, but now is different though. And what ball?

"Since when do you mind about embarrassment?" I asked.

"Since it's not just anyone!"

"You know who he is?"

"Are you trying to fool me by saying you don't just to torment me and all the other maids?!"

"No, I do not know anything about tonight."

"Stupid girl! You're an embarrassment in the castle!" She looked at me as if I was trash. Well, I was trash in here. "Oh, princess Elizabeta asked for you an hour ago but you were a pig an hour ago. Go to her now. She is in her chamber."

I left and went to her chamber. Usually there would be two guards standing on the door for every chamber, but there wasn't any. I knocked and waited.

"Enter." I heard her say. I opened the doors and closed them behind me. "Oh, Florica. Just in time." She smiled. "Would you be so kind and help me choose a gown for today's ball."

"Sure." I bowed and entered her clothes room. It was a small room in her chamber.

"You know you don't have to bow in here."

"I know." I smiled. ''But you never know who

is listening or watching."

"Correct." She smiled back.

I really like Elizabeta. She is kind and nice even though she is harsh with her husband but he deserves it. As a friend I should always warn her if I ever saw him with another woman. And that has been happening a lot lately. Even though I hate her husband and she does sometimes, I don't know how she married him. I asked her that once and she said that her parents forced her to marry him since he was the prince. She told me that when she is around him she feels like she has no respect , but also she said that sometime he is sweet and gentle to her.

 Elizabeta was my only friend in here who treated me with my own respect. She might be harsh with me in front of the royals but it's only because if they knew we were friends, our heads would have been cut off.

"What is the gown for?" I asked.

"For the ball tonight." Same answer I am tired of hearing.

"What ball? It seems like everyone knows everything that will happen tonight and I am the only one who does

not." I tried to control my voice. I just hated being the last to know.

"You don't know?" Her expression went a little odd.

"Anything!" I said looking at her gowns.

"There is a celebration tonight in the ball and queen Adelina invited every one whom she knows; Friends and far distant family. king Dragos also invited his brothers and their sons and daughters and from what I have heard of, he invited the king of Switzerland. I do not believe it though."

I looked at her astonished from all the important people coming and said "But what is the celebration for to invite all those people?"

"I don't know."


"You could never know who is listening or watching." She said annoying me.

I took a deep breath to control my voice and said "Please."

She felt sorry for me. I knew from the way her expression changed from smiling to not smiling. "I am not supposed to tell you anything."


"Queen Adelina warned everyone not to tell you. Maids will sleep in the dungeon for the rest of the week if they told you and she gave a straight warning to the guards also."

Her words made me more nervous. Who is the important person who is coming later tonight?

"But why am I the only one who cannot know?" I asked.

"She is afraid that if someone told you who he is, you would not do it."

"And she thinks after what I have heard I would do it?"

"No you have to do it." Her face changed to series. "No one was supposed to tell you anything even the little things that I had told you, because knowing the slightest thing would cause you fear and I told you those little things because you are my friend not to make you not do it."

I nodded and said "I just feel so blind."

"I know. I wish I could make you feel any better but I cannot find a way. I'm sorry."

"It is not your fault."

We were interrupted by the knock on the door. We both looked at each other wondering if the person behind that door heard anything from what we have said or not.

"Enter." Elizabeta said trying to hide her worry.

The door was opened and a guard entered. "Princess Elizabeta, may I have a word with you?"

Elizabeta went to him. They didn't say much. She came back after only a few seconds and the guard left.

"You will not be serving in the ball today."

Disappointment hit me hard.  "No! That was my only way on knowing who he is and what the celebration is for."

"Sorry." She came and patted my back. "Blue or white?"

I looked at her not understanding what she said.

"The gown."

"Oh." I looked at both gowns clearly and told her "The white one."

I knew she was trying to not make me think about later tonight, but I just couldn't let it escape my mind even for just one second. It was just like a bad dream that could not end when you want it to.

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