Part 2

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Part 3 will be published at the end of February, sorry :(

My exams are starting next Monday and will end in February.

I'll try my best to finish it before that! :)


Part Two

 The floor woke me up, as usual of course. My back hurt from the floor. It used to change colors, blue and purple. But since I started sleeping on my belly to decrease the pain from my back, it's color became light red. The pain was getting less and the colors were starting to fade.

It was dark as it always have been in the dungeon. No sunlight slipping through; there weren't any holes or windows as it was beneath the chateau's ground. I didn't know if I was late or early, so I made my escape out of here to find the answer. It wasn't easy at first remembering the way to our sleeping room. Though it isn't practically a room but we didn't have any other name for it. There were many tunnels that lead to different places. I remember once Viorica and I tried discovering the tunnels. We succeeded many times but failed one time. Since that time I stopped... but Viorica didn't. I remembered our talk clearly as if it was just a few seconds ago...

'We should Viorica! I won't go through that torture again!'

'You stop, I won't. You don't have the courage to stand up for your self Floaria! You're weak, and you'll always be weak as long as you choose to be! Only great men survive... so be one!'

'Survive till death goes upon us ha?! You may not remember what had happened before, but I do. I have seen great men die before my eyes. I have seen their blood spilled on the ground and walked over! I have also seen women tortured till death! I have thanked God many times that I wasn't one of those women. You know why?! Because I heard them scream for death when it didn't come to them when they needed! We Viorica, we heard them together down here. Remember how it felt? How we cried till we wished for death ourselves? We wanted death because of heart pain and tears while they wanted it because of blood coming out of their bodies!'

'As you said, they were kidnapped. They didn't stand up for themselves. I would rather say they got themselves killed with their own hands!'

'What would you want them to do?! kill three thousand men all alone?!'

'How could you understand while you see from the other side Florica!'

'What do you mean the other side? There is only one side.'

'No, there is my side and then there is yours.' I didn't quit understand so I waited for her to explain. 'Florica, you go for the easy way. You want things to end because you hate seeing the world apart. You are just like a flower; you are beautiful and full of peace and want the best for everyone. Which is not dying. But you'll die at the end if your owner don't take good care of you. For me, I am like a gun; solid, kill anyone who hurts me.'

'You are wrong. By the time you decide to get out your gun, they already would have gotten out a bigger gun.' I took a deep breath before saying what I was about to say 'You'll die before you know it.' I hated myself for even thinking about it. I loved her and I didn't want to lose her.

'So should I just let them hit me and kill me without saying anything or putting an end to it? I am going to die whether I stopped or not Florica. In here mistakes is so easily well-made and for every mistake there's what those women went through. I'm not going to stay here and watch myself die slowly on their way. If I'm going to die, I'm going to die my way.'

'If you are going to die, you are going to die on God's way.' As I said those words she was on the ground already closing her eyes to sleep.

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