Chapter 1

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A young knight said, "Creator,what may you purpose be in life?" while he sipped from his cup of rum. I looked at him and said, "Me? Haha,I'm just a writer." He got confused. I could tell by the look in his face. After a little bit of thinking he asked "What does a writer do?" I laughed,I then looked at the fire in our camp and said, "Well,a writer writes stories. I've written lots of stories. Wanna know how I started writing?" With an excited child's face,he looked at me and nodded. I began telling him the beginning of my writing life.

   It all started when I already out of college. I had studied law. I was supposed to become a lawyer and I was just starting to look for a job. There was no way I could possibly become a writer,but what can I say. Life is full of surprises.

   One day,I was walking down the street and I look at this sign that says, "Looking for a temporary job? Just to get some money to survive while getting a real job? Call us." I wrote down the number on a little blue notebook a always carried around and went to a telephone booth. Dialed the number and called them. They asked for some information and then told me to come by their office,the day after. This obviously was an interview. I was one step from getting a job,so I quickly went home. I prepared everything I needed for the next day and went to bed.

I woke up in the morning at 6 o'clock. I got all suited up,I had breakfast and I had my cup of coffee. Then,I started walking to those guys' office. After walking for like 20 minutes,I finally found it. The place looked a little small for an office. It's color was grey and it looked very full of ghosts. After seeing that place I said to myself, "Stan it doesn't look like much,but it might be enough. It's worth the try."

Already inside of the place a secretary attended me and told me everything I needed before going to my interview. Of course,I was already prepared. I knew it was going to be an interview. The secretary took me to the waiting area and told me I could take a seat,so I sat alone and started waiting. Five minutes passed and I got called. Well,I was obviously going to be called fast 'cause I was the only one there. The only one looking for a temporary job. Ready to start my journey,I entered the man's office. He had a gorgeous black desk,an expensive dark brown chair and the room had dark brown walls. This man was wearing an expensive black suit. He wasn't so tall,but he wasn't so short. He had the right height. He,also,was bald and he had a deep voice. Almost enough to scare you,but he was so nice. He was such a good person and he had a lot of money,but he wasn't consumed by money. He didn't consider himself higher or better than the others just because of money. He was the kind of man who would give an opportunity to homeless guy. His name was kind of odd. It sounded as if he weren't from this country. His name,Alberto De La Santa,sounded like a name in Spanish and later on,I got to find out that he was from Spain.

During the interview Alberto told me that he was looking for dreamers,for people that wanted to try new stuff,for people trying to find themselves,for talented people,and that's when I started feeling like I was in the wrong place. I wasn't chasing my dreams. I wasn't curious about anything. Not even curious about myself. I just wanted to get a job. A job that could help me survive a few years. He saw my disappointment face and said, "So tell me,what are your talents? What can you do?" I looked at him and started saying, "Well,I just finished studying laws and..." And he interrupted me to say, "That's not what I meant,but I'll let you work here 'cause I know that you've gotta have a talent." I got surprised and quickly asked, "I got the job?! That's it??" He laugh and said, "Yeah,it's just temporary and this is just my hobby to help people discover their talents. I'm sure that you have more questions,but for now just know that you have to be here every Monday,Wednesday,Friday and Saturday at 8 o'clock. You will be paid $10 per hour and everything regarding what you'll do in work will be discovered in time so don't worry about that. Umm...haha I don't know what else to say,welcome to your new job." He shook my hand and finished saying, "I will be your boss and I hope you have a wonderful time working here."

Monday,my work began. Alberto wanted me to start trying singing,so I tried. I knew it wasn't my thing,but he insisted. We spend the day doing singing exercises,to conclude that I wasn't fit to sing. At the end of the day my boss told me to write a story by next Monday.

Wednesday,second day of work. We tried painting. We also,concluded that it wasn't my thing. Another day of nonsense.

Thursday,one of my free days. Since,I didn't had to work or do anything I decided to write the story. I grab some papers,a pencil and a good eraser. I know I was going to erase a lot. I sat on my chair,I put the papers on top of my deck and started writing. My story began saying, "Time had killed me,I didn't achieve what I was looking for and now,I couldn't go back..." So my imagination just exploded. I spent hours writing.

   Friday,we tried drawing. Haha,I could only do stick drawing. Definitely,not my thing.

   Saturday,we tried all three things again. Just to make sure they weren't my talents. They totally weren't.

   Sunday,time to finish the story. I kept writing and writing till I got to the ending. It took me quite some time before getting the writing ending sentences that went like this, "Lucy,this is goodbye. You'll probably won't see me again,because I will chase time. I will end this. I'll disappear...I love you. Don't ever forget about me..."

Monday,Lucy's voice woke me up. She was saying, "Hey,hey,Stan. Wake up." Wait,Lucy? Lucy was waking me up? But she is just a character from my story. I quickly opened my eyes and saw her sitting there. She was really there.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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