Chapter three

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A/N : Picture above is Johanna

It has been a few days since my meeting with Smaug, and I honestly was exited to see him again. I thought about what to bring him. I decided to bring him some food from this dimension that you can't make there. I already have the food in my room. Tomorrow I have to go to Smaug, so today I decided to practice my sword fighting in the garden. I never had official lessons, but I see it in the movies, and I copy their moves. I was imagining that I was fighting Orc's when I suddenly hear my mom say : "Sweety, come inside." I go inside the house and see her with my box of foam swords and shields. "Mom, why do you have my box full of swords and shields? " I ask her, already guessing what she was about to say. "You have to stop pretending you're a sword fighter, and act like girls your age. I am am kinda fine with you reading books, but this has gone far enough." She says as I expected. I got really upset and angry, I thought she supported me! " No." I simply say. " Sweety, please." She pleads one more time. I burst into tears. "No! I thought you understood, but you want me to not to be myself. This is me, you really aren't my mom." I say, hesitating on the last part, but my emotions spoke for me. She cries and runs off. She doesn't understand, but it is a part of me, sword fighting. Plus, I never felt truly loved by her, she had pity when she found me but nothing else. At least that is how I feel at the moment. I go to my room and see on the the clock that it is early, but I go to bed and sleep.

The next morning

I wake up to the sound of the birds. I put on some clothing, and I put my fake gem hair clip in my hair. I grab my bag of food and create the portal. I step trough it and see Smaug patiently waiting for me.

"You have come little Ruby , and what is your gift?" Smaug asks me, and I show him the bag.
"What is in the bag little Ruby?" Smaug ask, and I grab the first food, a giant lollipop the size of a baby's head.
"What is that?" Smaug ask and I tell him : " It's candy from my dimension, normally they are as big as my finger, but this is the right size for you. Your suppose to suck it until it is gone. Shall I put it in your mouth?"
Smaug growls and nods and I put it in his mouth. He seems to enjoy it. I giggle a bit at the sight of a dragon sucking on a lollipop.

"I should stop laughing if I were you before you become my second snack." Smaug says in his scary, deep voice making me shiver. I immediately stop giggling and let him continue his sucking. After he is done with it, I show him the next thing : chocolate. I show it him, and he seems confused, but eats it anyways. And after that give him all kinds of things, but the last thing was actually for myself.

"There is one thing left in the bag, what is it and why didn't you give it to me?" He asks. " It's gum, it a chewable rubbery kind substance with a flavor, most of the time mint or strawberry. But this is mint flavored. But it is mine since you probably don't want something you can't swallow." I say and he snorts.

"Can't I have a piece, please?" Smaug says, and I am surprised, he said please! So I give him all of it except for two pieces. He seems to like it and It made his breath more bearable. I put the two pieces in my mouth and chewed allong. After a while Smaug asks what to do with the gum. I say to just spit it into a portal of mine and made a portal to a junkyard. Smaug then just looked at me and I look at him. What is he thinking?

Smaug POV

She willingly came and brought me the most delicious food, besides meat of course. She is fascinating. And for some reason she is still afraid, but also happy to see me, why? Maybe she has trouble at home? Why do I even care?! What is she doing to me?! Calm yourself Smaug, she is just a little human who happens to have portal abilities. Wait why is she staring at me?

Johanna POV

"Why are you staring at me?" Smaug asks me and I quickly look away. " Your scales are fascinating and your eyes also." I answer truthfully. Smaug seems taken back by what I say.
"Fascinating how?" He asks getting closer. " Interesting and...beautiful." I say.
"No one has ever called me beautiful, am a monster to everyone including myself." Smaug says and I am shocked, that is why he acts this way! Because he thinks he is a monster he became a monster. " I don't see you as a monster, but as a misunderstood creature who doesn't know how to use or feel his heart. And I am telling the truth." I say and Smaug looks into my eyes for any lie, but he sees nothing. His eyes soften.
" You are the first to say that, little Ruby. Thank you, though I don't know about the heart part." Smaug says. I am officially not scared of him anymore. " Smaug?" "Yes, little Ruby?" "Can we...never mind."  "Can we what? Tell me." "Can we be friends?" I ask finally, and hope for no angry Smaug.

"...Sure little gem."

I smile and almost want to hug him, but I hold it in. I am friends with a dragon!
I stay and talk to him for a while when he asks: " Are things going well at home? I could smell anger and sadness on you when you came. It was faint, but I smelled it"
" Well, I like to pretend I am a sword fighter, but my mom finds it unladylike and forced me to leave it behind, but I said no. I also got angry and told her she really isn't my mother, since I am adopted. I also like to read books about mystical fantastical beasts about your species and such. And she was also not pleased with it." I reply.
" And your father?" Smaug asks.
" He is hardly around, he works for the three of us. I still love him, but like I said I hardly see him." I say.
" Do they know of your power and me?" He asks and I shake my head no. I then realize the longer I stay here the faster time will go in my dimension. You see time goes slower there, 10 times to be exact and every hour it goes faster until it is real time. I have been here almost the whole day and time is now almost the same as here. " Sorry Smaug I better go, I will see you next week!" I say and create a portal and jump through it and land not far from the house. I have to work on my aim. I think and go inside I apologize to my mom, but not really and go to my room. This is going to be fun, being friends with Smaug.

My strange love (Smaug x OC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now