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'Don't wait until it's to late to tell someone how much you love, how much you care. Because when they're gone, no matter how loud you shout and cry, they won't hear you anymore.'

Rose Lovey .

Kanda stood against the wind, leaning on his sword, mugen, for support. His wounds burned and stung, his fast healing ability completely worn out. Yet he didn't lie down in defeat. The battlefield was silent, too silent. It was wrong. Spotting people huddled around something in the distance, Kanda gritted his teeth and slowly walked towards them. Ignoring his broken ribs.

As he drew closer to them, he saw quiet tears fall down his comrades faces. The feeling of dread set in. Lavi saw Kanda and stood up to let him through, pity and sadness swimming in his eye. Confused, Kanda stepped closer to what they were huddled around, only to stop at what he saw on the ground. Allen lay there in the mud, his once pure white hair soaked with blood, and his bright silver eyes now dull and fading. Snapping out of his daze, Kanda ran to Allen's side, kneeling to hold the barely breathing teen's hand.


Allen's eyes widened ever so slightly as he slowly turned his head to face Kanda.


His voice was barely a whisper, his body racked through with coughs as his spat up his own blood.

"Yeah, it's me Moyashi."

Kanda could feel Allen's heart beat gradually became slower and slower with each second.

"I...I can't s...see you, it's dark."

Holding back tears, Kanda held the dying teens close to him. He could hear loud sobs behind him as Allen coughed up more blood.

"It's ok, I'm here Moyashi."

He looked down at Allen's face only to noticed his eyes loosing it's light and his breathing becoming fainter. Kanda pulled him closer, in an attempt to keep him clinging to life.

"Don't you dare die Moyashi. promised. You promised we'd die together."

A small smile graced Allen's faced as he looked up at Kanda with unseeing eyes.

"Well, It l...looks like I'll h...have to b...break that promise."

"Don't you dare. No not now. Don't die."

Allen slowly closed his eye's as he let out his final words.

"I...I love you."

And on those words, the young teen breathed his last breath and died in his love's arms.




"I love you too, Allen"

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