Chapter 4

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Sanne's P.O.V.

'I'm so excited to go to the concert!' My friend was talking to me as I was finishing getting myself ready. It's not as if they would actually see us from the row we were sitting, though I could not complain, but I just wanted to look great and it was kind of a special day too, I guess.

'I know right, it will be so unreal though. I wonder what it'll be like...' I trailed off, as soon as I had bought our tickets as many months ago as I did, I had wondered what would happen when we entered the Ziggo Dome building and the boys would come in. I had especially restrained myself from watching other concerts on Youtube and stuff because it wouldn't exactly kill the surprise, but this was a unique occasion where I wanted to enjoy of to the fullest.

'It seems surreal indeed. However I bet they'll be amazing.' I agreed with her as I put my shoes on.

'Ready?' I stood up and laughed, she had been waiting on me and not vice versa so it was kind of an unnecessary question to ask her. We both grabbed our purse, checking for the last time if we had everything.

Our tickets obviously, keys of the house and of the car, cellphones and all the other stuff that seemed useful and even required to go and leave for the concert.

Once we stepped into the car we couldn't help ourselves but put the cd on from their latest album and sing along whether it was on pitch or not. The road seemed to get bussier and bussier the more we got closer to our destination.

After driving almost half of our ride we had decided to make a quick pit stop. That way we could go to the toilet and buy a sandwich or some crisps in the roadhouse that was ajar to it. It was as if they knew we were there honestly, because when we were stood at the cash register the radio started playing Live While We're Young. And we just started dancing along, not caring what the other clients thought. It was even awesome to we weren't the only ones doing so. It only got me more pumped up for the actual concert. To see them in real was mostlikely the thing I was most excited for, because just seeing like the guys you see hanging on your wall and in videos; talk in famous interviews and perform on many awardshows; who I wrote about and occasionally thought about.. To see those guys in real, on only a few metres away from you, that kinda got me anxious indeed.

We climbed back into the car, and as soon as we stopped infront of the red stoplight we started doing the familiar dancesteps to Kiss You's bridge as well. It must look weird to the people standing beside us, I could almost feel the car shaking at our wild and random moves. When I looked at my right though, quickly wanting to sneek a peek at our bystanders' gaze, I noticed a big black bus standing on the stroke next to ours.

I could see a person hanging out of a window, with what I think was a camera or a large phone in his hands. I automatically laughed, it was a funny sight right in front of us. I rolled the windows down and turned the volume a bit higher. Then I nudged Kim's arm and pointed to the dark vehicle, without needing to say anything more we pulled weird faces at the person. You know, in case we'd be on the picture he was taking.

The bus started driving and the person quickly got pulled back in by someone else, only his arm was left waving in our direction. Suddenly a honk was heard behind us and quickly our car started moving again.

I think we were following the bus practically the whole time, though we lost him an intersection further though.

'We're here.' We let out a small shriek and gathered our belongings and packing of our snacks before heading to the building. We dropped our garbage in a metal bin that was standing there before heading to the forming row to get inside.

I took my phone out, ready to temporarily shut it off as soon as we would get inside, but eyeing the amount of people infront of us I knew we had still quite a bit of waiting ahead of us. Therefor I used the free wifi of the Ziggo building and went on my twitter. My whole timeline, or well the biggest part of it was filled with Harry's name and that could only mean one thing.. he had tweeted something. I quickly clicked on his twittername that was coloured blue in a random tweet and waited impatiently for it to load. The previous number of his tweets was still showing until it would be loaded completely and it's not like I had much better to do, right?

#SarryAllTheWay (A Spineapple fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora