Chapter 2- Bad Habits

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Graces laughter was a shrill ringing that broke through the silence behind the school. It was 8th period art, the only class that Grace and I skipped together. I lit a cigarette, trying to ignore her blithe disregard for the situation.

"Shut up." I muttered, when her amusement seemed unending.

"You and Tyler West? Working with dogs...for charity?"

I took a quick puff from the cigarette, blowing out the smoke, and admiring the way it swirled in the wind.

"God, it's sounds even worse out loud."

"It can't be that bad."

"It's Tyler. He didn't turn his back on you when you needed him." I tried to mask the venom in my voice, failing desperately.

Grace rolled her eyes.

"Three years ago, Andy. Let it go."

I finished my cigarette silently, throwing it on the ground.

"Will you join the charity club? You have to give me someone to talk to."

"And let you skip on getting over your problems with Tyler? No way. Besides, those nerds are below even me."

I groaned, pulling out my phone.

" I better get going. I'm late."

"Good luck!"

I let Graces condescending remark blow past me as I pushed through crowds of students leaving. Jealousy coursed through me at the thought of them enjoying the typical Friday night parties that followed the week, while I was stuck doing group work with Tyler freaking West.

I hopped in my car, the squeaking door a sad reminder that any reputation I had built for myself was about to be wiped away.

My amusement over the situation I'd found myself in vanished completely when I pulled into the parking lot of the animal shelter, and set my sights on Tyler and his well manicured girlfriend huddled by Tyler's jeep.

"Well, look who it is." Lacy said as I stepped out of my car, rolling my eyes.

She flipped her curly platinum blonde hair over her shoulders and gave me a bemused expression.

"Well if it's not the wicked bitch of the west." I shot back, tossing my lit cigarette at her Gucci sandals.

Lacy's lips curled up in disgust, and anger danced in her brown eyes. "Why you-"

"Lacy, that's enough." Tyler spoke up, brushing Lacy off his shoulder with an annoyed look. "Andy and I have work to do."

Tyler pushed off his Jeep, making his way into the animal shelter. Lacy shot me an angry look, fumes coming off her tanned skin.

"You hear that?" I taunted. "Tyler and I have WORK to do." I emphasized the word 'work' with a wink, which quickly earned me a death glare.

"He better come back in one piece, Warner." Lacy warned.

I mock copied her threat, following Tyler inside the animal shelter.

The smell of wet dog hit me all at once inside the shelter, and I wrinkled my nose in protest.

Tyler shared the same annoyed expression, his arms crossed over his white T-shirt. His jaw line was taught and I could tell he was holding back his anger...barely. Flecks of red paint still clung stubbornly to his brown hair, and I fought off a laugh.

"You think this is funny?!" Tyler shouted. "My ass is on the line here, Andy. Football is all I have."

"What a sad exsistance." I replied, refusing to fall into the guilt trap Tyler laid out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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