Josh took a deep breath before finally looking Kate in the eyes.
"Before I say anything I just want you to know that I'm sorry I kept this from you and I'll completely understand if you hate me and want to leave." He took another deep breath, trying not to let the nerves show but it was difficult to disguise since his hands were shaking and Kate still held on to him. "You know I know lots about this kingdom, you never asked me how I knew so much... You haven't asked me just where about in this kingdom we are... well umm I really don't know how to say this. I'm sorry. Right err the reason I know so much is because um imprincejoshuaofrynemonaandwereinthetallesttowerofthecitadel" In his nervousness, Josh blurted out the words so quickly that Kate could not understand what he said. She let go of his hand and grasped his shoulders, she gave him a quick shake.
"Now try that again, but just a bit slower." She smiled encouragingly, hoping he would listen.
"I'm Prince Joshua of Rynemona, and we're in the tallest tower of the citadel. I'm sorry I didn't tell you! I couldn't, it would have made things too hard to explain and I didn't want to lose you just after I found you..." He trailed off, his cheeks flushed once more with embarrassment.
"Prince?" Kate asked. "But... Why me?"
"Why you what? Why did I find you? Why did I keep you? Why don't I want to lose you?" Josh countered her question with more, confusing Kate even more.
"All of those."
"You know why and how I found you, I couldn't bear to let you go until you were at least well enough to function and now," his voice grew softer as he made his confessions. "Now I don't want to lose you or let you go because I like you. A lot. And I've never felt this way for anyone. Please don't say anything, hear me out. Please. All this time I've spent with you, getting to know you has really opened my eyes to what life is really like. My life has pretty much been he'll since my mother passed. My father doesn't care, he's power mad and pretends I don't exists unless he needs me for something. Lucas is my closest companion and the only reason he gets this close is because he has been there for me time and time again when my father does something idiotic just to spite me. His latest scheme is to marry me off to a princess I have never even heard of. I'm against it as you can well imagine." He gave a bitter chuckle and Kate gave his hands a squeeze to show she understood. "I don't want to marry because he said so. I want it to be on my terms, with someone I choose. With someone I love."

Kate's heart fluttered in her chest. The look in Josh 's face when he spoke was serious and determined. The fact he had also been looking right into her eyes as he said it stunned her.
"Well, my dear Prince. I'm sure we can find your lady love and you can have the life you deserve." She spoke from the heart, but it hurt a little to say it. "I understand what you mean about your father dictating your life. When my father passed I fell into a routine that I would do whatever it was my brothers told me to do. But you know what? I stood up and said 'no more!', one of them didn't like that idea so much. He tried to make me stay home but I was too upset so I ran away. I guess you could say that this was when all my troubles started," she mused. This train of thought had never occurred t her before. She glanced up at Josh and saw a questioning look on his face. "What I mean is, if I hadn't ran away I wouldn't have found the first group of soldiers. They were nice, I think. I'm not really sure since I only spoke to one of them. I think they were looking for someone, they said something about a girl and King Thomas." Kate shrugged her shoulders. It had been quite some time since this encounter so she couldn't quite remember what she had heard.

Josh drew in a sharp breath. He had heard rumours about King Thomas and his search for his missing niece, Princess Katrina. Hold on a minute... Katrina...Kate. It can't be. Josh quickly pushed that thought to the back of his mind.
"Thank you for sharing that with me. At least now I know where you came from!" He spoke with a teasing tone in an attempt to lighten the mood. Glanced around the room and then back at Kate. "So, the reason you're up in this room is because my father doesn't know about you. I'm not planning on telling him either so don't worry about that. This tower is actually the one place in this castle that I am free to be myself. I don't have to think about rules or being a Prince, here I'm just Josh." Kate grinned up at him when he said that.
"Well 'just Josh', you can't keep me hidden up here forever. I'll get bored after a while! No, I need to be useful."
"If you really want to then I guess I can put you to work... I mean there's always things to do but my father doesn't pay attention to the staff needs. I'll speak to cook in the morning, how does that sound?" He chucked at the look of shock on Kate's face. "What? Didn't expect me to say yes right away?"
"Well no, I didn't. Um yes, please if you don't mind. I like to cook so that would be lovely." She smiled pleased that she would finally be able to get out of this room and out into the open once more.

Josh smiled at her and made his way towards the window. Looking out he thought back on his argument with his father. There wasn't much he could do unless he left the castle and rejected his royal duties but there was no way he could abandon his people like that, it just wouldn't be right. Putting his hand  on the window ledge he leaned closer, watching the sunset. He did not notice Kate getting up from her spot on the bed and moving over to him. It was not until she gently put her hand on his back that he broke out from his thoughts.
"I'm sure everything will be alright." she said to him. He turned his head to look at her.
"It will be, I just have to work some things out first."
"The sunset is beautiful."
"Yes it is, I can't remember the last time I just stood still and took it all in"
"My father once told me that the sun is there to remind us that everything has a beginning and an end, but nothing is truly gone. I think he meant that no matter how bad our problems might be, there's always tomorrow to face it." Josh turned around properly and pulled Kate into his arms. She gave a soft sigh of pleasure before stepping back and tugging at his hands. "And just as the sun will sleep, so must we."
"Do you need me to sleep in here tonight?" Josh questioned, he watched her face carefully as she gave a small nod. "Nightmares?"
"They won't leave me alone." A single tear fell down her face and Josh gently wiped it away with the pad of his thumb.
"You just need new memories to take their place," he spoke softly before continuing in a stronger voice, "and we need you well rested if we are to put you to work in the morning." Kate let out a small giggle, and shaking her head slightly at his teasing she made her way back to the bed.
"Enough of that I think my Prince. I do believe it is time to sleep. Oh, and you can sleep on the chair. Just because you are a Prince does not mean you can sleep in my bed!"

Josh groaned half-heartedly at her joking attitude but did not argue with her. It was too early in their friendship to push things too far. She had not been wrong, it was true that it was near time to sleep. The next few days were going to change everything for both Josh and most especially Kate. if she was going to work in the castle then he needed to have a backup plan just in case something went wrong. He needed to keep Kate safe, and most especially away from his father. It was well known in the castle that King Raphael had an unhealthy obsession with a female, it was said he invaded Eardheorte to kidnap a lady and with her a child. They had been described as ordinary looking from afar but up close they were so similar with hair as dark as a ravens wing and eyes a piercing blue like the sky on a clear winter day. It did not escape Josh 's notice that Kate possessed these features too, and it could be troublesome if his father saw her. Giving a quiet sigh, he made himself comfy in the chair by the fire, he didn't plan on sleeping in the chair. Not when he could take his blankets and sleep next to Kate while staying on top of the coverings. It wouldn't be the first time he had done that, but what would she say if she knew? Probably give him an earful before giving him a kick him down the flight of stairs. Josh chuckled at the thought and watched as Kate made herself comfortable in the bed. She would not be having any nightmares this night, of that he was certain.


A/N: Happy New Year! :) x

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