Two: Goddess of Moon and Shadow

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I held my head high with Monacre -my sword- in my hands as I walked towards the throne I looked towards Thor and Loki and wished I hadn't of Thor was smiling like he was a happy little boy getting a present and Loki looked kind of uncomfortable.

Fandral was smiling while Hogun and Volstagg stood beside him doing the same and their hand behind their backs, I looked to my left and Frigga stood there looking lovely and Sif beside her, Kass stood at the bottom smiling.

Odin sat on his throne as I moved forward and got on my knees on the step my breathing stopped as he took Monacre from me and held it over my head I gulped.

"Sabella Crimson Astra.. Do you swear to protect Asgard with all of your strength?"

"I swear" I said.

"Do you swear to protect Midgard as well as Asgard no matter how or why?"

"I swear."

"Lady Astra do you swear on your life to protect me, your king, your queen and the royal family as long as you live?"

"I swear All father!" I said, sounding more angry than shouting, I heard Volstagg and Fandral try not to laugh making me roll my eyes.

Odin placed Monacre on one of my shoulders then on the other "Sabella Astra.. I, Odin of Asgard, give you the title of Goddess of the Moon and Shadows.. You will protect Asgard and Midgard with your life forever as you may live" he said.

As he placed Monacre in my hands it lit up and I stood as everyone around me clapped I smiled and put Monacre on the holder at my waist and bowed to Odin.

"As warrior, and The Shadow, I swear to protect the two worlds from danger and to help Prince Thor on his journey's as well as Prince Loki and yourself. I swear to protect Queen Frigga when nobody is around to do so..

"And I absolutely swesar to my best in this King Odin.. I will not let you down" I said.

He chuckled and grabbed my hand tightly in his "I never will and have never doubted you Lady Sabella" he told me as he turned to the crowd and said "Now for the ball!"


I leaned against a pillar and sighed as I closed my eyes "Was this really necessary?" I mumbled to myself as I looked out to see all of the people dancing.

"Yes, in Frigga's eyes it was necessary" Loki said as he put his hands on my waist and looked out at the people from beside me. I looked up at him and smiled "No tricks yet?"

He shook his head "No.. I'm trying to keep from that for the night" he said and put his hands behind his back, I smiled as I leaned back against the pole again "I'm nervous, what if someone asks me to dance? Loki remember the last time I danced?"

"You stepped on Fandral's feet.. Personally I would love to see that happen al over again" he said with a chuckle and I pushed at his chest smiling.

"It wasn't funny Loki."

He sighed "Oh Sabby, you are a sight.. Always will be" he told m and took his hands out from behind his back, a red rose was in them. My eyes widened "Loki" I whispered and took it from him, when I did it turned into a rose charm on a bracelet.

"Your welcome."

I looked up at him "You deserve to be the God of Mischief" I said, and stood on tip toe to kiss his cheek. He smiled and took my hand.

"As your prince I demand a dance, Sab" he told me, I smiled as he pulled me out onto the dance floor amongst the people and put his hands on waist, I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck as we danced ina slow circle I noticed Thor and Fandral pointing.

"Mind telling me what those two are pointing at?" I asked, looking at the two.

Loki saw who I was looking at and rolled his eyes "Ignore them. I think they are both drunk" he told me, I smiled and felt his hand on my side going towards Monacre.

I reached down and pulled his hand back up to my side ",Loki-"

"What I cant just hold it?"

I shook my head "Loki, Monacre only works for me.. You know this remember when Fandral tried to hold her sand he got almost killed just by touching it, if you held it and.. Something happened I will never forgive myself.. Not after just promising to protect the royal family" I said.

He moved his hands to hold both of mine "I know.. I'm sorry, it's just it's a beautiful sword" he said, I smiled and squeezed his hands.

"It's okay. And I know she's a beauty" I said sighing as I looked down at my side at the sword before seeing Frigga calling me over I put a hand on Loki's shoulder "Duty calls."

"Now? Sabby it's your night?"

I sighed and made him elt go of my other hand "It may be my night Loki but Duty before.. All of this" I said smiling sady at him then going to Frigga.

And that was before Thor almost became King and Loki went haywire.. It was the good days but I just don't know if I can make sure he stays in his cell now.. Loki is still my best friend and will always-

The Shadow Of Asgard {Completed}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα