Chapter 9

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"What's your favourite colour?" Niall asks me as we sit into a big circle on the floor. I agreed to get to know each other, seeing as though I should make being here less boring..

"Probably violet." I say smiling. "Favourite animal?" Liam asks crossing his legs into a crisscross position. I frown lightly, and try to keep a straight face. I keep forgetting Liam doesn't remember anything abut me! 17 years of friendship down the drain.. he was pretty much my brother..

"I don't want to play anymore." I say, marching upstairs. I can hear the boys asking each other what that was about, but I just slam the door and lay on 'my' bed. I hear a light knock, and expect it to be Harry, or Louis, but when it opens, it's Liam.

"Was that a personal question or something?" He asks shutting the door lightly behind him, and sitting next to me. "No." I say giggling a little. "It's hard to explain. It's not your fault."

He nods and puts his hand on my knee softly. "If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'll listen." He says smiling. "I feel like I've known you for more than I have.."

He stands up from my bed and walks out, and as soon as the door shuts, a set of tears run down my cheeks. I grab my pillow and stuff my face in it, crying out.

If only my life wasn't this living hell, it would be so much better. I wouldn't lose my best friend who's been there for 17 years. My other friend wouldn't be a demon. The two demon boys wouldn't come near me. Harry wouldn't touch me in ways I shouldn't be touched. I wouldn't be here..

I hear a lot of noise downstairs, and I decide to check out what's happening. I peek out from behind my door, then walk into the hall. I walk downstairs and see the boys all putting coats on. They look at me, startled by the sudden foot steps coming towards them, and all of their eyes are the unsettling black colour that always scares me the most.

"We are going out for a snack.." Harry says smirking and showing his large fangs. I cringe and look away in fear, and I feel Harry's lips on my neck. His fangs hover above my skin, and Niall pulls him away quickly. "You would definitely regret it if you sucked her blood Harry.. you're just hungry."

Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Louis all turn to leave, and Niall stays with me. "We can't leave her alone, so I'll stay with her." Harry turns around to glare at Niall, and he coughs. "I think I should stay with her."

"You're too hungry Harry. Go out with the boys, I don't want you to accidentally hurt Aubrey.." Niall says as Louis nods. "Yeah Harry c'mon." Louis says grabbing Harry's arm and pulling him out of the house.

Niall turns to me, and his eyes go back to the beautiful blue colour he usually has. "This is probably all very confusing to you.. so let's go sit down on the couch and let me explain." He says walking into the living room and sitting down on the couch, me following.

"Well, Demons, what we are, are pretty much what humans call vampires I guess.. we feast on human blood, and when we're really hungry, we can't control ourselves no matter how hard we try. Harry wasn't a full demon a few minutes ago, but he was getting there. We wouldn't have been able to stop him from hurting you if he did."

"So if he does turn full demon, can he kill someone?" I ask intrigued by what they are. "Well, if he sucks your blood when he's half and half, than he is able to control himself. But, if he doesn't suck your blood until he's full demon, you're dead. He would drain all of the blood from your body. There would be no stopping him."

"So if someone ended up sucking my blood at the half and half point, what would happen to me?" "You would be fine. Probably a little dizzy, you may pass out, but nothing life threatening." He says smiling.

I think to myself for a while, and come up with a question. "How did he turn Liam into a demon? It looked like he was just sucking his blood."

"In his head, he had to be seriously thinking of turning Liam into a demon. He was picturing it, and something must've made him angry enough to do it, because it is not a fun thing to go through. Poor Liam must've went through a lot of pain.. it's less painful if you're turned into a demon when you're a child."

"Oh.." I say nodding. "Why aren't you as hungry as the boys?"

"I am.." Niall says, his eyes turning a shade darker, but then lighter again. "But I'm not thinking about it, so I can control myself." Niall says smiling. I smile back at him, scared to think that he could possibly suck my blood and kill me.. but I have to admit, I'm comfortable around him.

Maybe being here won't be as terrible as I thought..

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