Fridget and fucking XD

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~With Courtney and Riker-

Riker: Ugh! I'm booooooreddd!

Courtney: Deal with it!

Riker: Why do I even have to do this anyways?

Courtney: Because, you love me.

Riker: No I don't.

Courtney: WHAT?!

Riker: I'm kidding! Geez!

Courtney: oh.. *nervous chuckle*

Aly: *prances into the room on Ross' back* RIDE PONY, RIDE!


Aly: No....but Courtney is!! *jumps on her back*

Courtney: *falls* OUCH!! *starts slapping aly* GET OFF ME!

Aly: *slapping back* I WAS HERE FIRST!

Courtney: ITS MY BODY!

Aly: SO?!

Courtney: *stands up*

Aly: *falls off* :( naw

Riker: Bare back here...

Aly: Ew... No! *jumps on ross*

Rolyssa: *full on make-out session*

Courtney: *sits on bed*

Riker: what's wrong?????? *whines*

Courtney: I'm fridget!

Riker: no way -.- Kay den?

Courtney: It's a big deal to me?

Riker: *jumps on courtney* I'll make you un-fridget *winks*

Courtney: *starts sweating* is it hot in here or is it just me? *fans herself*

Riker: It's just you. Cause your so hot. *winks*

Courtney: *pushes him off*

Riker: your pretty strong for a girl!

Courtney: shut up! *looks at rolyssa* ugh *rolls eyes*

Rolyssa: *almost fucking*

Riker: *laughs*



I'm a Ninja you Bitch. -_-  (crazy Ross&Riker ff?)Where stories live. Discover now