Finding away out of this house

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[Y/n] pov

As We entered the house it seemed dark and cold. What was strange that it was empty and only two candle stand were the only thing beside a door. So we walk and entered into the was also empty? I heard the sound of thunder and I was hoping it will be over soon.... "Vicent, do you think the rain will stop soon?" I said. "I don't know, but look on the wall over there." Vicent Pointing infront of us a piece of yellow paper. But not all on the floor was a puddle of blood. I started to feel nauseous. "Let see what its says." He pulled me to it but being careful not to step in the pool of blood. As we were infront of it, it said 'Come to my room.' Automatically it disappeared. "Vicent let's go back home, I don't like it here.." "Yea, me too.." He said, then we turn and walked out the door to get out of the room.... As we exit the room the place was different?! "What!?" Vicent said in shock. "B-but how? It was empty when we came in here?" "Yo!" A voice said as it made both of us turn quickly to our left. "You got to stop doing that, cat!" Vicent exclaimed. I thought that you didn't want to go in here??" I questioned. "Hmm...I was bored, so I thought of see what you guys were doing for laughs." The cat answered. 'That's not funny' as I thought to myself. "We are going now.." Vicent said as he took my hand and led me to the main entrance. As he took the handle and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. "Come on... it won't open?" He said as he let go of it. "Well if you can't get it to open, might as well look around." The cat said. Vicent and I look at each other and shrugged. "Looks like we don't have much of a choice then, also we can find something or someone to help us get the door open." Vicent said. We then walk to the left of the hall. We opened the door and walk through a room that wasn't big as the last one we went through. Though it had some furnitures. On the bottom left was a work-desk with a chair and a scissor that was chained to it. On the top of the room was another door and a dusty old bookshelf. "Lets try the door." I said as I walked up to it. I twisted the nob, but it was locked. "Guess we have to go back and go the other side." Vicent said. As we went back to the hallway, I noticed that the door in the center of the hall was gone, but Vicent never noticed and went straight towards the right door. I decided to forget about it and followed him.

the door led us to another hall way but with a long hallway that headed up. "[Y/n], I'll go in the door infront of us and you go up to see if there is anything we can use." He told me. "But you promised me we won't ever be separated?" I said as the thought of going a lone. I don't mind going places by myself, but when it came to places I wasn't familiar with, it scares me. "I know and we won't, it would help us to find something to help us faster." He answered. "Alright." Then He went. Into the room and now here I am in the hallway alone. 'This is no time to start being a little girl!' I told myself. I turn to the top of the hallway started to walk towards it. As I came to the end there was a clock in the end of the hallway and to the right was another door. 'Great....oh well, it's now or never.' I prepare to face what was on the other side of the door. I open to be welcome by a nice medium room. This room was nicer than the one we were had a big brown desk, that had a purple blanket and on the left was a table lamp. The other side was a pot of small flowers and a diary in the middle. On the right bottom of the room was a lot of presents and in the top across from the presents was a closet. "My this room is so far from creepy." I walk towards the presents and there I saw a teddy bear. Something was telling me to take the bear. 'Oh well nothing will happen..' As soon as I took the bear and headed to the desk one of the presents felled over. I quickly walk over to it. 'That's weird...I know I didn't knock it over?' I then left the spot and went over to the closet again, but as I tried to open it wouldn't open then a note was on it. It said 'open when the house is back to normal.' "What?!?" I then step back from it and then went to the desk. I wasn't sure if I should read someone's diary. But I did anyway. What the dairy was saying was sad. 'I was lonely, and had no one to play with me. My father and mother didn't love me and my sister left me.' As I finished a decided to get back to Vicent. "Leaving so soon, darling~?" A voice said behind me. I quickly look behind me and saw the boy from outside. " I'm sorry if I was intruding, I was trying to find away out of here with my friend." I said as I looked at him. "I see, well who is your friend that your with?" He said. "His name is Vicent..." I answered. "Vicent you say...sounds like a nice guy" He said with a smile. Then I thought he might help us to get out of here. But before I asked him, I heard Vicent calling me, "[Y/n]....did you find anything?" I wanted to tell the guy I had to go, but as a looked at where he was standing he wasn't there?! Weird? I never gotten his name...well better be off....

Vicent's pov

As I went to the door to see if there was anything to help, all it was a empty room. Though it had a basket with a big bear inside of it. On the top wall was a note. I went to it, and the note said, 'Bears in the basket.' "What!? Bears?!? There's only one bear??" I questioned. Well might as well go and see if [Y/n] found anything. As I exited the room and went to the hallway I heard [Y/n] talking in that beautiful voice of hers. But I heard another voice in the other side of the wall. 'I thought we were the only one here...we should've heard or seen a person here?!' I was getting angry at how someone was talking to my [Y/n]....wait! What I'm I thinking?!?' I couldn't find admit myself and to tell [Y/n], how I felt abort her since we became friends. I snapped out my thoughts and continued to go to the room. But I didn't want to barge in so I thought it would be polite to call her. "[Y/n]....did you find anything?" I said waiting by the door.

???'s pov

I saw that they were go to different rooms. 'Perfect time to talk to my darling doll.' As I appeared in the room I saw her reading my diary or journal. But as soon as she finished she was leaving. "Going so soon, darling?~" I said, so she won't leave just yet. she spun around to look at me. " I'm sorry if I was intruding, I was trying to find away out of here with my friend." She said with a small blush. "I see, well who is your friend that your with?" I said. "His name is Vicent..." She answered. "Vicent you say...sounds like a nice guy" i said while giving her a fake force smile. 'Well, well Vicent, she won't be with you for long.' Then we herd a voice calling out to her, "[Y/n]....did you find anything?" I saw her looking over to the door. I hate to leave her but it wouldn't be fun to let him see me yet....till then my darling~

[Y/n]'s pov

As I came out of the room I saw Vincent standing there. "So did you find anything?" He questioned. "I found a bear, so I brought it with me." I answered. "Huh? Strange in the room I went there was a basket with a bear inside of it." "Maybe we need to put in the basket?" I told him. "Alright let's go..." I was compelled to tell him about what I read and seen, but I didn't want to induce his thoughts. So I kept it to myself. And so we are now leaving the door and headed down to the room Vicent was in....what could go wrong with putting this bear in the basket?

A Doll in a Dollhouse (Slight Yandere Male Viola x Reader x Yandere Male Ellen)Where stories live. Discover now