entering but never coming out...

241 3 1

[Y/n] pov:

Here we are now under a tree about ten to fifteen minutes since then, just relaxing underneath it andbeside a stump. Vincent was talking but I was half listening to him because I was think of my dream.

Eveynight I always have a dream about a big house in the woods, a cat who can talk, and a boy around the age of Vicent living in the house. But every time I get near him he always seems to disappear or just give me this sad look of longing for a friend.

"[Y/n]....[Y/n]....[Y/N]!!!" As Vincent was calling me I ended my memory of my dream. "Yes Vicent? You were talk about something?" I said. "Yes I was...." He said with a cute annoying expression. "I was saying that if you would like to venture further into woods?" "I don't know I mean what if your father is looking for you and it is getting a little late?" I said looking up at the sky. "Please, it'll take my mind off of my dad and I thought it would be fun to go together..." As I turned my head to the left to look at him. I saw his cheeks turning light pink. "*sigh* Alright...we can go but promise me that we won't get sepeated." I asked. "I promise." He said taking my hand and holding it with a look if gentle yet confidence. "Then let's go..."

*skip to the house and finding out that there is no other way*

As we went farther in the woods we saw what seemed to be a rode that leads to somewhere. I didn't like this feeling after seeing it. "Vicent..." I said grabbing his left hand. "I don't like being here, it's giving me a creepy feeling." I answered. Vincent then looked at me and said, "Don't worry about it, it just something you'll get use to.... Anyway I really want to see what it leads to." I gazed at the way the rode lead. I didn't want to be mean since I've never reject someone's offer of going to a new place. "A-alright we can go and see what's there." Then we head to where it might take us.

About half way we see a big tree and a stump that was by the tree and the ground was cover with small flowers. "I got to admit this is a very lovely spot to relax. " As I was admiring the small, beautiful and quiet scene in front of me I felt Vicent's hand letting go of my hand. I look at him and saw he was going to the left of the rode. "Vicent, what are you doing?" He looked at me and said he'll be right back. About two or three minutes I felt as if I was being watch from the left. 'Please tell me it's not a bear, or worse a creepy person!!! Vicent please hurry back!!!' Just before I could look to my left I saw Vicent coming out of the wood. "Vicent you scared me so much!" I said with tears forming in my eyes. I saw Vicent coming over me with a smile. "Hey, it's alright...I said I was coming back, didn't I?" He said pulling me into a nice secured hug. All I did was nod. "Um... So what where you even doing in there?" I said as I broke the hug and looked at him. "I saw a shiny object and thought of seeing what it was. Turns out it was a rusty old knife." He said as he pulled it out of his pocket. ​"so shall we continue with our adventure?" "Yes." As we headed straight we saw a rose bush in our way. "How are we suppose to get to the other side?" I said. "Hmm.... I got it!" Vicent said as he took out the knife. "Please stand back." "Okay." He then was cutting the rose bush making a path for us. After a few moment later he was finished. "Well at least the roses aren't in the way anymore." He said. Vicent then threw the now broken knife to the right way from the rode us. Then we continued our way. Finally at the end of the rode my face went pale than ever. In a million years I never thought that I was going to see a mansion here. As I finally snap out of my thought I grip on Vicent's hand and looked at him. "Vicent, I wanna go home I don't like it here?!?" He looked at me with a worried face. "Okay, we can go..." As we turned around to go home I heard a voice saying 'Can't go back now sweetie, once your here your stuck forever.~' I quickly looked around an saw no one, but as I look to the left of the mansion above a window I saw a figure. But as I tried to look at it more it just disappeared in an instance. "What are you looking at [Y/n]??" Vicent asked me. "Huh...nothing.." As we came by the tree we saw that the rode that lead us here was block by a big bush full of lovely roses. 'That wasn't there when we got here?!?' I thought to myself. "Huh?? That's weird, that wasn't there??" All of a sudden it started to rain?!? "Well I guess we have to go back to that house to get out this rain." Vicent said as he turned around to go back. I dreaded on going back to that place but finally agree to it. (I know it wasn't raining but I thought that it would have a nice cool and scary scene)

when we were finally at the house I had a very bad feeling but didn't say anything... "Lost are we??" I quickly jump away from the voice that was to my right. As Vicent and I look toward the right we saw.....a cat??? "Did you just talked?!?" Vicent said as he had a shock expression. "Of course I did....anyway don't tell me your going into that house?" The black cat said in a normal voice. "Y-yea....why??" I asked. "There was a witch who lived here with her brother but she died a long time ago. Now that young boy is gone too ,so nobody is living there now." As the cat told us I felt bad for those two knowing that they didn't have anyone to visit. "Well we don't have a place to stay until the rain stop, so it's the only thing that can keep us from getting wet." Vicent said. "Do what ever you want but I'm not going in that house." " ok, come on [Y/n]." He then went into the house as I was walking slowly towards it. But as I look behind to say bye and thank you I saw standing by the cat was a boy that had long purple hair and beautiful yellow eyes...'Wait!! What!!! Beautiful!!!' I finally snap out of it and turned around hiding my blush. As I looked around to see if he was there Vicent just called my name. 'Oh my! I forgot about him!!' I quickly went to the house. What I didn't know that my dream is about to come true, but far from happily ever after.

???'s pov

As I saw two figures walk up to my house I went towards that window to see who was coming. It's been awhile since my sister, who betrayed me for freedom switch body with a girl that came here. The girl was stupid and didn't know about how she was being trick all this time. As I looked down at my window I saw a boy around my height and age. He also looked like that girl that died here.... I thought to myself I found away out of here. But as I was think of how to exchange my body with his, I saw a beautiful girl that had [c/s] hair, [c] skin and beautiful [c] eyes. She was breath taking. I never had this feeling in my heart before. But as I saw that boy holding hands with her. I had this other feeling in my heart. It was the feeling of saddness and angered. Then I had a thought of the how to get here to be mine without that boy. As I looked towards them I saw them leaving. My, my what would I be if I didn't let my guests leave so soon. But the girl turned around a saw me she had this terrified expression that made her look cute. Now I made my goal to have her to myself and never let her leave. As a snap of my fingers I a made a rose bush in the pathway and making it start to rain. "Demon!" I called for the cat that gave my sister power before she left and now I have power. "Yeesss, master?" Demon said as he appeared on my shoulder. "Make sure that these two have a pleasant stay in here and mostly make sure to not let any of my tricks kill or event hurt her! Understand!? I said as my eyes turn into the cat's eyes. "Meow~ Of course master." Then he disappeared and then reappear on the stump. As I was watching him explain what the house was, who lived here and all that. Then I saw the boy with a determination look go inside the house, while the girl was walking slow towards it. Might as well see her closely without that boy. As I appear next to demon, the girl turn around. I quickly notice she was looking at me before she turn her head to the side in attempt to concealed get blush. I wish I could stay but I have stuff to get ready..... I was then in my room and look out the window to see she was entering the house. "My darling~ I hope you be happy here? For this will be your home forever!~" as I walk away with a chuckle....

[Y/n] = your name (as you all know) [c]= color [s] is for size [c/ h]= hair color [e]= eyes. And bunch of others that I don't feel listing it off. You get the picture.

Hey guys! Hope you love my new story. So I'll try so hard to update for you!! I know it's not the same as the game but I wanted to do a little more of my things in it, but still stick with the game play.

Peace out!!

-Mysterious B

A Doll in a Dollhouse (Slight Yandere Male Viola x Reader x Yandere Male Ellen)Where stories live. Discover now