2 Creepy girls.

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Vanoss's POV-

I woke up in the morning and next to me, of course, was Delirious. He was sleeping soundly so I moved carefully making sure I don't wake him up. Once I do I take a shower and change quickly to start doing breakfast. I make the regular breakfast and wait for the guys to wake up. While I'm waiting I hear something fall like glass. When I go check it out I see a broken glass on the floor in the living room. What caused it to fall? My neck hair started to stand up and I felt like I was being... watched. I look around and I don't see anything or anyone. The guys are still asleep so nobody was here. Probably just the wind? I walked to the kitchen but before I left I cleaned it up. Outside of my kitchen window a girl was standing just staring at me and then left once she saw that I saw her. At this point, I was petrified. My heart was beating so fast and I was sweating at this time. I slowly started to walk back and then I bumped into someone. I quickly turned around and saw Delirious.

"Whoa Evan, are you okay? You look pale." I was looking at him and relaxed for a bit. "N-Nothing... I-It's nothing." I walked to the living room and sat down while I tried to remember how to breathe. Delirious sat down next to me and looked at me with his beautiful baby blue eyes. "Evan really? Nobody will believe you're okay. Seriously what's wrong?" I know I have to tell him I can't keep it in or else it will just creep me the fuck out at night. "Alright, there's this girl I saw. Her face is kind of blurry in my mind but I know it was a girl. First I heard a piece of glass shatter in the living room then I cleaned it up and when I went to the kitchen a girl was standing outside just looking at me and when she saw I was looking at her she left immediately." I said quickly to him. He nods and looks in front of him for a minute. He took a deep breath and smiled at me. "Okay. Let's go wake the guys up and we can go eat breakfast." Delirious said. I checked the clock and it was only 9 o'clock in the morning. How can he take this so serious? I almost had a heart-attack because of that. I ignored whatever Delirious said and walked to the guy's room.

I did as told and started to wake everyone up. Every single person was tired and grumpy. Especially Piper. Everyone sat down at the table and I just put the plate on the table in front of them and it looked like if they were brought back to life. We ate normally, chatted normally, and played zombies normally but the only thing not normal was me. While eating the guys looked at me and told me if I was fine because I didn't touch my food at all. When we started to talk I didn't speak. When the guys started to play zombies I didn't play and kept quiet. I know I wasn't acting like myself and everyone noticed especially Delirious. He kept on looking at me. He was sitting on the couch while I was sitting on the floor close to the guys since they were the ones playing. He just stared at me and he didn't look happy. I just hugged my legs and watched the guys playing. He didn't even look at the screen only at me and only me. He stood up and walked towards me. "Can we talk in private?" He said. I nodded and he grabbed my hand to help me stand up. I followed him outside and I looked at the sky, which was dark since it was night time, and saw all of the stars shining brightly. I looked at Delirious which was standing on the sidewalk looking at me. I walked next to him and he had his hands in his pockets of his sweater and we started walking on the sidewalk. "Remember in the morning how you told me you saw a girl?" Delirious said being careful with his words for some reason. "Yeah, why?" I said. "Well. I might know or might not know who the girl you saw is." I started walking a little bit slower and my heart was beating faster every moment I took a step. Then I stopped walking. Delirious looked confused about why I stopped walking and I just kept on staring at what I was staring at. "Evan, what's wrong?" Delirious said. I just stood still and kept staring. He finally looked at the direction I was looking at and he had a neutral face. There was a girl. I think the same girl that I saw in the morning and she just kept staring at us and then ran away. I could only see her shadow since it was night time and she was hiding in some bushes. Jonathan grabbed my arm and started dragging me away in a hurry.

Once inside the house I went straight to my room and closed the door. I walked to the balcony and took a deep breath. Why can't they just leave? They already know me and Jonathan are together why don't they just quit? I heard a knock on the door and I sat down on a chair in the balcony and sigh. "The door is opened," I said loud enough for whoever enters to hear. Jonathan came in and with a look of guilt. "What's wrong Jonathan?" I said. He walked to the free chair in front of me and sighs. "Evan um... remember when we called those girls that gave us both gifts on the beach?" "Yeah?" "Well one day I saw one of them and it was the girl that likes you and her name was Clare. Look she- when I went outside to leave Taco Bell she came outside and said something. I think I heard her say that she'll do anything to break us apart. I don't know if she's being real or just messing with us. I don't know but let's take that as a warning." Once he finished I shook my head. "I swear why can't they just back the fuck out. I mean they won't learn anything by just stalking us. This has to be a joke or just a bad dream I can't wake up from." Jonathan hugged me and I just took a shaky deep breath. "By the way when you entered the house and went straight to our room Kelvin was about to kill me because he thought I did something wrong," Jonathan said. I laughed softly and we just stayed hugging for the rest of the time.


I'M SORRY FOR NOT POSTING ANYTHING!!! I'M NOT DEAD DON'T WORRY!! Sorry everyone. You guys know why I didn't post and I hope you understand that my FUCKING TEACHERS GAVE ME PROJECTS IN SCHOOL THAT COUNTS 60 PERCENT OF MY GRADE!!!!!!!!! I hate thwm but they're cool. Anyways stay patient my friends and PEACE!!✌✌✌✌✌

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