Snowball Fight!

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Hello believers! Hope you Enjoy this Chapter! Just starting off with regular POV.

The morning came. All too soon for Violet and Peter. They really didn't want to get up, just wanted to stay in that peaceful moment. No portals, no pirates, no problems. (HaHa if only) They reluctantly got out of bed, and got dressed. Then they went to the camp to get some food before taking off. All the boys were there, already eating. Felix sat by Peter.
"What do ya think is gonna happen with this whirlpool." He asked.
"Well with any luck, we might be able to close it and stop Hook" Violet didn't seem so sure.
"I don't know Peter. I don't think just Hook is behind this. Something else is pulling the strings. Hook is just part of it somehow." Peter looked at and thought about it. She could be right.
"Maybe. But will still need to find out what it is."
"Yeah, I know. But I don't think closing it is going to be easy. For all we know, we won't be able to close it." Peter nodded.
"I know. For now, we are going to check it out. And also try to find out what Hook's plan is. Alright, love?" She nodded.
"Then we should head out. The sooner we get to the bottom of this, the better." All three of them stood up. Peter whistled to get all Lost Boy's attention.
"I suppose you all heard of the whirlpool near Skull rock? Me and Violet are going to investigate. Felix will be in charge until we return. Now back to what you were doing." After that they went back to what they were doing. Felix spoke up.
"Goodbye Peter, goodbye Violet. Come back alive." They all smirked.
"Of course we will. If we don't, you and the boys'll have Neverland in flames!" Violet said, smirking. Peter chuckled. Felix nodded, smiling, then Violet shifted to her dragon form and flew her and Peter to Skull rock.

Time skip~ brought to you by Happy Toothless!

"We're here Peter." Peter got off of Violet and Violet shifted back to human form. They walked to a hidden ledge, and stayed quite so they could overhear the pirates. They needn't have bothered. Hook was practically screaming the plan at the top of his lungs!
"Hurry it up ya sea dogs! We need to get the trap ready! If we can capture Peter Pan, then we can throw him into the portal! If we do that then his little whore will follow, leaving Neverland ripe for the picking of our employer! And we'll get are revenge!" All the crew cheered at this, sadly oblivious to the pair watching them.
"Are they really that stupid?" Violet whispered, incredulously. Peter nodded, then smirked mischievously.
"Shall we spoil their plan?" Violet grined evilly and nodded. She grew her wings and the both flew torward the Jolly Roger.
"Sorry, Hook but your plan won't work!" Violet shouted. Hook turned then smirked. Something was off.
"Oh, is that so lass?" Then they started aiming the cannons at Violet. Peter panicked.
"Violet watch out!" He couldn't get to her in time. Then Hook shouted to his men.
Violet dodged the shots left and right but she was starting to tire. Then one coiled her right wing. She started to fall into the whirlpool.
"Violet!!!" Peter rushed to her as fast as he could.  He got a hold of her just above the whirlpool. But then, it started to suck them both in.
Even though hit hurt like hell, Violet tried with all her might to get out flapping her wings as hard as she could. Peter did what he could of him flying but the Whirlpool was too strong for either of them. Finally, it suck them in. As they spun around in the whirlpool, they'll on to each other so they wouldn't get separated. Then they went through.

Now in Burgess.

"Aw Jack c'mon! You said to think fast!" Freya said. Jack was grumbling cause she to beat him at every turn today. After the snow ball fight he started to pout.
"I'm now regretting that!" He exclaimed, hiding in his hood. Earlier, they were having a snow ball fight with Jamie and his friends. Jack told Freya to think fast, so she kick the tree he was under and he got covered in pile of snow. When came out he had to spit out the acorns that got in his mouth. Everyone started laughing, especially when a chipmunk came down, sat on his knee, and glared(if chipmunks can glare) then started shaking it's fist at him saying something in chipmunk. Everyone was dying at poor Jack's expense.
"Aw, Jack c'mon! Stop pouting!" Freya hugs from behind leaning her chin on his shoulder.
"Or what?" Jack smirks.
"Or this!" She starts to tickle him where she knows he's ticklish. He bursts into laughter.
"Okay! Okay!" She stops. He turns to look at her.
"How can you always do that?"
"Do what?" She asked, confused. He smiles.
"Ya know! Cheer me up. You always seem to do that, no matter what." She grined.
"That's because I love you Jackson Overland Frost!" She poked him in the chest with each word. He raised his hands in surrender. They kept walking around, until Freya spotted a pinecone. She ruched over to pick up. She loved pinecone, the way they smelled. Whenever she found one she would pick it up to take home. Freya lived in an hollow Oak tree. Everywhere  you look there was a pinecone, she was hooked on them.
"Really? Don't you have enough at home?" Jack asked, smirking. She mearly looked at him.
"No. There is no such thing as too much." She said. Jack smirk mischievously.
"Oh really?" He snatched it out of her hand.
"Hey! Jack give it back!" Jack shook his head, then flew off.
"Get back here!" Freya flew after him.
"Never!" She chased him for a good hour, before he stopped. He sat on a large tree branch. She landed besides him and tried to grab the pinecone out of his hand but he kept moving it out of her reach. She huffed.
"Jackson Overland Frost! We can do this the easy way...or the hard way!" She chuckled darkly. Jack knew he was in trouble, but he wasn't giving it up that easily. She held out her hand giving him one last chance for the easy way, but he smirked and shook his.
"Ok you asked for it!" She gave him an evil grin then went behind him. Then he felt her lips on his neck. His eyes widened. She began to kiss his neck from below his ear then down to the spot where his neck and shoulder meet.
"Freya!" Jack voice was barely above a whisper.
"Give me the pinecone and I'll stop." But he didn't. So she began suck and bite down on his neck. His breathing hitched. She found his sweet spot and he moaned. But he still didn't relent. She got frustrated and thought 'how low will I go?'. She knew the answer: to the very bottom. She put her on his leg and began to inch it very slowly toward him. His widened. He looked at out of the corner of his eye.
"You wouldn't." She raised an eyebrow.
"Try me." She got her hand to his already growing bulge.
"Wow, Jack. You really must not want me to stop, to you?" He blushed. It was true, he didn't but.....she caressed him. His breathing was getting heavy. She kept giving him a hicky, oh man how was he gonna hide that from the other Guardians. She began to unbutton his pants, 'shit!' he thought. Finally he gave in.
"Okay! Here!" He gave her the pinecone.
"Looks like I win." She buttoned up his pants than sat beside him. He glared at her. She smiled sheepishly. His face was flustered, and honestly she thought he looked hot like that. He still glared at her.
"Aw, Jack c'mon! Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it." He blushed and looked away.
"Jack...." Freya was cut off by Jack smashing his lips into hers. They both moaned. He kissed her hungrily and passionately, and she returned it fully. Eventually, the kiss ended when they took a breath. Freya giggled.
"I'll take that as a yes." Jack smiled and kissed her again, with as much hunger and passion as before. He began to kiss her neck, biting and sucking it. She moaned.
"Maybe I shouldn't have stopped." He looked at her and grinned, she grinned back. Then the ground shook, so hard they almost fell off.
"What they hell was that!?" Freya shouted. Jack was wide eyed, he shook his head.
"I don't know!" All of the sudden the frozen lake they were near broke and opened up. Creating a whirlpool.
"Holy shit!" Jack was about to grab Freya and fly away when all of the sudden they were both hit by two heavy somethings. They all landed on in the snow. Jack sat up.
"Freya?" She sat up next to him and ruffled his hair to get the snow out.
"I'm fine. But the question is...are they okay?" She nodded her to the two people, who started to sit up. One was a man or boy who looked about 18 another was a girl who looked the same age. The boy had brown hair, with Dark forest green eyes. He was wearing a strange green shirt with brown pants and boots. The girl had long brown hair with one blond highlight in the front. Her eyes were a deep violet, but her pupils look slit like a cats almost but dilated. She wore a light green vest, with the same pants and boots. She had two scimitars on her back. The boy had a longsword on his left hip. All four of them stood up giving them stood up giving each other confused expressions. The girl spoke.
"Uh...where are we? And who are you?" Jack and Freya looked at each other, then back at them. 'They must not be from around here' Jack thought.
"Um, I'm Jack Frost, and this is Freya Oak." The boy raised his eyebrows incredulously.
"Are you serious?!" He asked, he had British accent. Freya and Jack nodded their heads.
"Well the I suppose we should introduce ourselves." The girl said, "My name is Violet Mystra." Then the boy introduced himself.
"I'm Peter....Peter Pan." Now it was Freya and Jack's turn to be surprised.
"As in the Peter Pan?! From Neverland?!" Jack asked. Peter smirked his famous smirk. Also raised an eyebrow.
"And you are the famous Jack Frost and Freya Oak, of the Guardians." Jack smirked and nodded. Freya looked at Violet.
"And that would make you the first Lost Girl. Also the daughter of the King of the Dragons on earth. Though now they no longer exist." Violet nodded grimly.
"That's all true. My father is Alron Blacknight. He was the greatest dragon left on earth, until we left to live in Neverland. I however am half dragon. My mother was human. As for the first Lost Girl, I wasn't the first girl in Neverland but I am the first Lost Girl." Peter put his arm around Violets waist.
"So would that make Peter Pan your mate Violet?" Freya asked. They both nodded.
"In the legends a dragon could share their heart to one who has earn their respect and/or love. Is that true?" Jack asked curiously. Violet smiled than nodded.
"Yes, and one I shared mine with is Peter Pan." Violet looked at Peter fondly.
"Yeah it's my job to make sure Violet doesn't get too hot headed." Peter said, snickering. Violet looked about ready to kill him.
"Why you....take that!" She grew a tail and hit her head. Peter head hurt too.
"Ow!" She started laughing. He gave her an 'oh yeah?' look then stepped on is foot.
"Ah! Ow! Ow!" She lifted her foot and held it, hopping on one foot. She stopped, looked at him. She grew scales on her arm then blew her multicolored fire on her arm. Peter began shaking his arm as if it was on fire.
"Ahhhhhhhh! Hooooo! Shit!!!" He stop, then pulled his hair. Violet graped her head.
"Ow! Ow! Owwww!" She stopped, "That's it!" She bit her arm drawing blood. Peter graped his arm.
"Owwww!" She laughed again. Then he got stupid, not thinking he hit where the sun don't shine. He fell do his knee's, that really hurt. Violet just laughed.
"Peter what have I told you about making assumptions? First off I don't have nuts you idiot. And if I did it would be armored!" Jack and Freya were laughing so hard that they couldn't breathe.
"You don't feel a thing?" He looked at her breathing heavily. She grined.
"Maybe a tickle." They both laughed. Peter started to get up but then got hit in the face with a snowball, knocking him back down. They looked at Jack and Freya, who both had shit eating grins. Peter smirked, so did Violet.
"Now it's war." Peter said. Then the snow ball fight began. Peter got Violet and Freya then they got him. Then they all gain up on poor Jack. Jack got them all back.

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