One: Sabella Crimson Astra

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(I got the idea for this while writing my Tom Hiddlestron fsnfic so it's basically supposed to be from it 😜 I hope you all enjoy-A)

I stand float footed with my sword over my shoulder, my two daggers Moon and Star at my waist on my belt, I listened to my surroundings and I hear someone running, I turn quick so I can Dodge their sword and quickly blocko another hit nwith my own.

Fandral hit my sword very hard but in stood my ground and swung at him making him go to the ground as Sif came my way I swung around and blocked Her blow, I sliced and ducked and moved and blocked.

I swung around and Dodge Hogun as I ran up the side of the castle and pushed myself off of it to dodge Mjolnir as it zoomed past me I landed on my feet and got up to see everyone string at me, I moved hair from my face and smiled "Let's do that again."

This was before.. Before Frigga died.. Before Their almost became King and before Odin went away making Loki king.. It was better days..

I smiled as Volstagg put a arm around my shoulders "Again Lady Sabella has surprised us again" he said, I laughed and pushed his arm away.

"I'm full of surprises. I learned a few from Prince Loki" I said.

Thor smiled "Shadow, you know Loki doesn't like being capped prince.. He actually likes when it's just Loki" he said, I shrugged and crossed my arms.

"As warrior it is destined bthat I keep to rules" I said, Thor nodded as if knowing what I meant when a voice came from the right of us.

"But, as a Lady it is destined for you to dress as one not as a man, Sabella."

I smiled and bowed my head "Frigga" I said.

"Mother!" Thor boomed and went to hug her, I smiled when she looked at me "It's time. There is a dress in your room I expect you to wear it Sabella, and Loki is looking for you" she told me, I nodded my head at her and bowed before hurrying to my room.

When I was seventeen -in miodgardian years- I would say I had a crush on Loki and Thor tried to get Loki to kiss me one time but.. It never happened.. After Loki tried to rule Asgard while Odin was in the Odin sleep that crush was lost..

I walked into my room and saw my friend and maid Kass she had a bath waiting and a dress was thrown over my bed "I will be looking through your jewelry and things if you need me Ella" she said, I nodded as she went her own way and I stripped down.

I sunk into the bathtub in the corner of the room and sighed as I relaxed, that was until the door busted open and Look leaned against it.

"Loki Odinson!" I hissed sinking down into the water cover in myself. His eyes widened and Kass chuckled "Oh, Sabby.. Agh" he said and turns around to face the corner, I rolled my eyes.

"You don't just bust into a lady's chamber!"

"Your a lady?"

I rolled my eyes, again "What do you want Loki?" I said as I tried to hurry my bath. He chuckled "Well, I was going to sing and hug you but.. That really wouldn't be proper right now would it?"

"And Odin would probably have your head, Prince Loki" Mass said as she pulled out a necklace with a wolf on it, I got out of the bathtub and wrapped a huge towel wreound me so Loki couldn't see anything.

"Ahh, Lady Kasstin.. How is your husband?"

She sighed "As good as a good fool can get" she said qwnd looked at name, she laid out the jewelry "I assume you have it from here, I will be back to hear lp you with the zipper on the dress Lady Sabella."

That's one thing about Kass. ..when it's just us she doesn't say lady but if someone else is in the room she has to be proper. I shake my head and look at Loki who was staring at me.

"Is there a reason why you are in here or are you just wanting to watch me get dressed?" I asked, he raised a eyebrow.

"Can I do both?" I felt the urge to slap him but he laughed and I smiled "What do you want Loki, I need to get ready for my-"

"I know I know. Your ball-coranation thing" he said with a eye roll "I already know what your title is but Mother made me swear not to tell you.. Your going to love it, Sabby" he said and took my hand.

It was the little things he done that made my heart flip flop, Loki was always sweet and kind towards me unlike everyone else.. Be was the only guy I ever loved but, I don't know if I can love a man who tried to rule another world.

I sighed and smiled up at him "Turn around." He did as told and I walked over to my bed and tried to slip on the dress, I grunted and finally lot it on as he blabbered on about a trick he pulled on Thor, he turned around not bothering to ask if I was decent.

He came over and pulled up the zipper his fingers lingered on my skin for a moment and then they we're gone, I turned around and smiled "Thank you."

"Your welcome. Oh yeah, here" he said as he dug something from his pocket he gave it to me and i sat down on the bed.

Inside the box was a heart necklace and I smiled "Loki, it's beautiful.. Thank you" I said and stood up to hug him, he hugged me back. I kissed his cheek as Kass came in the door and smiled.

"Sorry to intrude, your Highness and my lady, but Frigga wants to see you Loki and I have to finish getting Lady Sabella ready" she said.

Loki sighed and squeezed my hand "No worries. I'll see you both tonight, take care Lady Kasstin.. And Sabby save me a dance?" He said.

I nodded and he was gone. I sighed as Kass came over and gave me a look, I gave her one back and she crossed her arms "I don't like how that young prince looks at you."

"Kass, he's just my friend. And I saved his life when we we're small. That's the only reason."

She shook her head "Booth of you are too stupid to see it, well come along let's get your hair done" she said, I just tawred at her. God she is so mean but thats why she is like a grandmother to me.

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