You got what? (lemon warning)

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Luna's POV

"Artemis! GUESS WHAT?" I came out of the castle to him since I'm queen and all ya I live in a castle a lot for an 18 year old since my parents got killed when I was 5 Petra was 10. "What?" he asked me. "I got a 69 Dodge Charger... Royal blue with white racing stripes.....and I LOVE IT!" "WHAT RLY?" he said to me. "YES! IT EVEN HAS AUTO DRIVE!" "I have a red one...with black racing stripes if you wanna go out for a drive? Just me and you?" he asked me. OMG HE JUST FREAKING ASKED ME OUT unless he is trying to pull me in to seduce me.I thought in my head. Eh? It had been like 4 years we've been dating since we met when we were 15. "Ok. But! If your doing this to pull me in and seduce me....I accecpt that." Oh yeah IDK what I just got myself into BUT I DON'T CARE I'm comfortable with it. 

Artemis POV

Yeah thats basically what I'm doing this for 😀❤ XD . Then she got in her car through the window cuz it's what she does now. "Then you better cmon!" she said burning out then flooring it. "Ooohh...perky are we?" I got in mine and took off after her. Then we just ended up somewhere more private then Luna came over and got in with me. "For first time driving you sure do act like a badass." I said blushing a little. "You got a problem with that?" she asked me getting over on my side in my lap. "No I'm just saying that it suits your personality~" At this time I could tell we had each other right where we wanted.

Luna's POV

"Yeah?" I said while slipping my hands under his shirt to take it off. But I have never seen him blush so hard in my life I mean he just got darker and darker as I took it off all I had on was my jacket with my sports bra on underneathe Petra knows how I am 😒. (Don't blame me) "L-Luna..." he said as he puts his hand on my jawline. "Ye-" he cut me off pulling me in to kiss me and I felt our tounges touch and I kissed him back though he did it to keep me distracted so he could unzip my jacket and take it off. After he got it off I felt one hand on my side and the other on my leg cuz I was wearing blue jean shorts (DER).

Artemis' POV

We pulled away and the saliva drew a line between us. "T-that was nice." "Yeah....yeah it was" she said as she started moving slightly in my lap just making feel good even more. "Your making it feel so damn good you know I like it~" "Then hold still baby~" she said biting my neck. "MMPH! H-HARDER!" I could feel the bite get harder and it all just felt so damn good!

Few hours later...... 

We were back at home all curled up in the bed next to each other passed out.

(Had to sorry I COULDN'T HELP IT) 


Petra: and where were you last night?

Luna: none of your business


Luna: If u go through my diary so help i will throw a boot at u >.< 

Petra: -is reading diary and sees where she had writen about last night- 😶😑😖😱 I HAVE SEEN EVERYTHING..... 

Luna: GET OUT AND BOOT TO THE HEAD! -throws a boot at my sister-

Petra: OW! 

Jesse: Petra are u ok?

Luna: and one for u too because your her boyfriend -throws a boot at Jesse-

Jesse: OW!


Lunamis Oneshots Luna (me) xArtemis (nonrelated genderbent version of me)Where stories live. Discover now