Chapter 1- The Revenant

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29 Years after the Cataclysm.

While the birds chatter their songs, creatures smiles as the sun rises its way to the heavens. The morning light hasn't fully uncovered the shades of the night, as it is still dawn. But a buzzing sound of a fly irked Zokk's tight sleep. He embraced the morning by tearing a small piece of his dirty black coat made from a boarhound skin. He tied his long grizzled but ungroomed hair with it. Like a pig's tail. He can still hear the cracking sound of embers, dying from the fireplace. He gathered all the food he had stored under the wooden shelves, potatoes and beans, sun-dried salted fruits and fishes. Two goatskin flasks filled with water and a cask of Montri's Ale. He's going to be hiking for weeks, or months or even years. He threw his food inside the sack where he will be carrying through his journey. It's quite a for him in an abandoned house of the Forgotten Village in the Forest of Valdarac.

Before he left the ruins and jaunt his way, he tugged and rolled the mattress on the floor where he was lying. There he dug the ground for at least a leg deep, he found thick and dirty folded cloth where he kept during his stay. An unpigmented stone, emanating a glowing light he had tucked inside the cloth. Zokk, satisfied with his preparation, he barged outside the abandoned house he was sheltering. With all the things he need for his endeavor, he walked his way to the fields of greenery. A mild mixes of flora soothed his nostrils, an omen for a vigorous morning. He can feel the cold and damp turfs of the grassland on his feet with every step.

It was a longer trip than he had expected, it's been an hour since he began walking. All he could see is the vast vegetation of the uplands. He stopped and inspected the ends of the two pathways. The first one is heading towards the deep forestry while the other one to Garin Mountains. He can see craggy slopes of the mountains soaring high to the heavens, he took the second path. A few hundreds of steps and he'd make it there. But Zokk remembered a story when he was a child. The song of the Demon's Mouth, said to be the quickest way to the other side. On the slopes of Garin's Mountains, an enormous opening of a cave can be found. And there lies the secrets of the song.

It took him quite some time to decide, the sun have gone its way to the heavens, now it's descending to the earth to sleep. The pathway was getting harder for him to follow. The sunlight was slowly fading. He broke away from the pathway and rushed towards the woods. Zokk consumed the rest of the day incessantly looking for the cave, with a little rest. He picked up a piece of wood and began rolling a piece of cloth on the tip. A long, loud, doleful cry of beasts traveled all throughout the forest. Shrill barks and sharp, it continued together with the sinking of the sun. Zokk did not pause, even a single moment. He took the cask of Montri's Ale and poured some on the rolled cloth of the stick. He snapped his middle finger against the wet cloth, although nothing happened but he did not stop. A final blow and a large spark emitted, he just started a fire. He used the stick as a torch, as darkness began covering the earth. He put his items by the tree as he went to sit and lay his back to rest. The beasts did not cease with their cry, instead, the howling became louder and louder as it continues. As the sound of their cry nears, a glowing eyes appeared in the darkness. Not far away from him, the glowing eyes multiplied as if they're all over the forest. Zokk didn't mind, he tucked his hands inside the sack and picked the dried-salted fish. Not a single feeling of fright nor fear, instead, he began biting the stiffed fish. As if there was no danger, Zokk continued to eat as the wolves continued to gaze at him. They could not go nearer, as it seems like they're afraid of the fire. But a larger set of eyes appeared from behind the smaller ones. Intensively, he stared at it waiting for it to step out from darkness.

He paused his half-pint feast "Apologies for my intrusion." Zokk said, addressing the large-eyed beast. "Very remiss of you, vile human! You can speak our language." the beast replied, with a smirk on its grey furred face as it approached Zokk's bivouac. The fire on his torch dissipated and died, leaving his makeshift shelter without light and complete darkness. "I'm here not to disturb your dominion, my lord." Zokk asserted. "Words...can deceive...scent-." the beast sniffed him. "Ne'er!" the lord roared. The fire came back to Zokk's torch."Your scent...without doubt, is empty, but be wary-." The Lord's voice whimpered. "Before the ball of fire ascends to the heavens, and the darkness of the night disperse-" the Lord added "You must vanish, or the Morning Lord will not only ingest your disgusting flesh but also your soul." Zokk gazed at the beast's dreadful eyes. Steadily and intently, he did not move a single inch. A form of burning flames reflected his eyes and until that moment the beast snarled showing his sharp and strong fangs. "Leave! Now!" the beast demanded as he slowly move backwards to the darkness, and disappeared.

One by one, the pack turned their back to Zokk and left together with their cries. The clouds began clearing the sky, and the moon shined the brightest as it could. He continued his feast while the cold wind began enveloping the forest's entirety. A hushing sound traversed, echoing all throughout the forest. In an instant, he became drowsy and tired. Heavy-eyed, he tucked-in his bearhound skin coat. The hushing sound continued, and he fell asleep. "Rest o- valiant one." A woman's voice whispered, like she was singing Zokk to sleep in his cradle.

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