Chapter 1

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"I don't understand why you two don't check the school website more often, it's very informative!" Sam said to the two boys.
As per every Saturday night, Thomas Locreen, Benjamin Sigman and Samantha Jinas were sitting in the dark stone library surrounded by books. They had ,as usual, sat by the solitary computer and ,as usual, Sam had started browsing random websites. The first one on today's list was the school website.
"Yeah, yeah ,wha'ever," Ben replied "Now, my ugly friend- OWWW WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"
A little fist had somehow collided with his arm.
"It is so rude to call a girl ugly! Now please continue," Sam replied ,a smirk latched to her face.
"Mmhmmm," Ben groaned "I was going to say whas' the news?'"
"Nothing much...." Sam said, scrolling through the website," Ohh the new students have been sorted into the houses!"
"Do you remember when we were sorted?" Tom asked.
Memories flooded Samantha's brain.
A damp stone room filled with worried faces . That's was what first came to her mind. The sick mixture of excitement and nerves in her stomach and the nauseating anticipation of what house you were going to be sorted in. The house affected your social ranking to much to be overlooked. And this house chose your life time friends and possibly enemies.

The chimericas were the everyone's favourites; the bold and the brave, the calm and collected. At least that was what they where told.
Then there was the Bearces. Brawl over brains,new year 7 were told they hit the gym more than the books.
And how could anyone forget the harpiries?
Those free spirited teens had a good reputation but were sometimes really annoying.
Next was the lupinice. They were pictured as loyal and friendly but the word on the coach was that they were the chimericas lap Dogs ,at their every beck and call.
The last house was Draconoir.
The groups background was almost as much a mystery as the pupils in it.
They kept themselves to themselves and were well known for doing so.
"Yeah, good times!" Ben's loud voice broke Sam's train of thought.
"Hey watch out chimis at 2 o'clock!" Tom whisper-shouted to the other two. Too late...

"Oh look who we have here Tye, 3 little snotty nosed reptiles!"
Two boys had approached them. The one that had just spoke had soft light brown hair cut short and black cold eyes. The other- apparently "Tye"- also had brown hair but a much darker and icy blue eyes.
"Ohh little dragon buddies!" Tye exclaimed, "What luck! I was just getting bored!"
His eyes were now glaring into Samantha's ones.
Noticing this,Ben intervened
"We were just leaving..." He started to push a fuming Sam and a bewildered Thomas towards the door.
"Hey-!" Samantha started.
"Shhhh Sam, they're not worth it." Ben whispered into her ear.
They were half way to the door when:
"Ohh how sad! We just wanted to play a little game!" Tyes friend called out.
"Yeah but are you sure that black haired dude doesn't want to?" Tye teased behind there backs, "Hey Mute wanna play!?'
Tom's face lit up like a tomato on fire.
Sam put an arm around him and said
"Jus' ignore then Tom, they're idiots,"

Ohh the problems of being in Draconoir....
The fresh blast of autumn wind licked my face as the last tiny bit of sun glinted through what was left of the orange leaves. It's going to be a shame leaving this forest,its an exceptionally beautiful , but it has got to be done...I can't stay in one place for too long.

My stomach churned. I hadn't eaten in a week,well unless you count some oak bark, and I had started showing the symptoms.
However pretty the wood was, food was scarce especially as winter drew nearer. I don't know if I'm gonna survive this one...
As the sun slowly set across the far hill tops, I leapt down from the tree I had inhabited and walked down to the edge of the woods. A abandoned road was placed before me ,with a crumbling path on the side.
The light from the last working street light illuminated this path. The trees had leant over and from the cracks in the ancient stones desperate leaves of grass grew as if nature was reclaiming lost land.
Smiling at this thought, I set my weak legs on the path and started my journey to who knows where. Hopefully where ever I am going will have food...and warmth. Hey who knows maybe I'll find a family!
Ha ha ha! That's never going to happen!
My mind wanders to reminiscing thoughts of families and friends. You could always see them traveling together in groups, running and laughing together, without a care in the world.

Camps were full of them and the some of the other woods reeked of them.The sence of unity and trust was almost other-worldly, at least to my world.
I know that I shouldn't feel like if I miss them. How can you miss what you never had?

Well there's always tomorrow!
(Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love you tomorrow!😝)

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