Chapter one

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"WAAHAWAHWAAAA!" A baby cries in the distance. A young couple hears this and runs to the sound. They see the baby and the lady picks it up while trying to cheer it up. "Where did you come from little fella, where are your mommy and daddy?" The young man asks the baby, and it cries louder. "Shhh,it's ok." The young lady says to the baby calming it down. The young couple look at each other and nod, they are going to be parents.

11 years later

Johanna POV

"(Yawn),good morning sun." I say while stretching and getting up. I look outside and see that it is a beautiful day of Summer. Normally I am not that fond of summer, but it is vacation, and I am happy for some reason. I put on my clothes : Skirt, leggings, T-shirt, and a fake gem hair clip. I also grab my thin hoody, and I go downstairs. There sitting at the table are my parents, not my real parents, but adoptive parents. They found me in an ally way when I was only a few months old. But now I am 11 and have a good normal life, well as normal as it can be. You see I can create portals. I just think of a location and a portal appears in that place. I can only travel to places I have been and or have seen. I can sometimes travel to places I never have been before, but that is only when a I am under stress or I concentrate really hard.

Anyways I see my parents, and they see me. "Hello darling, do you want some toast with or without butter?" My mom asks me. " With please." I say. My dad says goodbye since he has to go to work for a few more days, and I eat my breakfast. I say goodbye to mom, and I go to the park. I find my usual spot and start to read out of my book : The Hobbit I have read it 10 times and have seen the movies 3 times, I am obsessed. And I don't mean the book, but the character, Smaug,  I don't know what makes him so intriguing, but I can't help but like him. I continue the book when suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see the local bully : Eddy. " Hey dork, what are you reading? The hobbit, that book! It is so boring and so fake." He says and continues, but I ignore him. But suddenly, he takes the book from my hands and starts to wave it in the air above me. " Hey! Give it back!" I yell trying to get my book but failing miserably. He suddenly does the unthinkable and rips the book in half. I fall to my knees, that book was my life! I start to cry while Eddy walks way in victory. I pick the book up put it falls apart. It was on the page where Smaug meets Bilbo and so thought of Smaug. I run back home and run into my room. I close the door and start to cry again. He went too far. I just thought about Smaug.

I suddenly see a portal forming above my bed. I look into it it and see gold and more gold. I wonder what it could be and I go inside the portal. I see a lot of gold. I say it a lot, but it is. I suddenly think what this place could be, and I recognize it as Smaug's lair. How, why? When am I? Am I still awake? I think while looking around making some noise because the coins under my feet are moving. I hear a low growl and see a eye behind me. O oh.. I think.

"Who dares to wake me?!"

My strange love (Smaug x OC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now