Paranormal - Can't You See It

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I was walking home when it started, it was any normal day then it sort of happened. My head hung low as I watched my feet plod along the floor, my plaited hair was bouncing on my shoulders and the wind blew against my body. Odd. It wasn't windy when I was in school. I was walking with my friend Jess and we were having a normal conversation like normal 15 year olds would. But then something happened. This gigantic wave of energy crashed down around us and all the lamps went off. I brought it up to Jess but she just said I was going crazy. I'm not crazy. Then I noticed it was dark, which was odd because why would it be dark? It was only half past three in the afternoon. And I told Jess "we should probably speed up it's getting dark" but she just laughed at me like I was going insane. I'M NOT INSANE. We soon parted ways and I walked home, but when I touched the handle of my door it burned, almost like it was on fire. I told my parents and well, you know the rest.

"And you're sure it happened?" The Doctor said to me, he looked at his notepad and scribbled some things down then looked back up to me. He just looked at me, he thought it too, he thought I was crazy.

"I'm not crazy..." I told him, fiddling with my plaits and sucking on the ends of them.

"I didn't say you were?" He looked at me with confusion written all over his face. Didn't he hear himself say it?

"Yes you did, like three seconds ago. You quite clearly said it. 'She needs more help then I can give her' that's saying I'm going crazy. I'm not"

He wrote something down in his pad again, I wish I could see what he was writing. Then it happened again, "THERE! CAN'T YOU SEE IT" I yelled while pointing behind him. There was a large black figure stood behind him, it's head twitched from side to side. The doctor in front of me turned to look behind him but saw nothing. I watched him closely as he moved his hand and placed it under his desk. Then there was a small click. The panic alarm.

"I guess I'll be going then" I said breathlessly and started backing up. My doctor stood and tried to stall, there was no way I was going to fall for this. But.... maybe something else? I looked to my left and right and noticed a small window, just big enough for me to fit through. We were on the second floor, it would be quite a fall but I wouldn't be massively hurt. Just do it. I felt my legs run towards the window, my arms braced themselves for impact and I jumped out of the window.

The doctors in the room behind me screamed after me, but it was too late I was out of there. The floor must have been a lot farther away than I was expecting because it took far too long to hit the floor. Except I didn't hit the floor, I was placed- gently. Quite odd if you think about it. When you just jumped from a place you expect to hit the floor with a large force not to be delicately placed on the floor. I wasn't thrown. I was placed. I could even feel the hands around my torso holding me. Large warm hands wrapped around my torso until I came to the floor. It was a miracle.

The doctors were sticking their heads out of the window and staring down at me. Their mouths open wide, they were just as shocked as I was about the whole thing. Brushing off my skirt I started running.

"Fuck fuck fuck .... FUCK!!" A large dog had started chasing me. It was more wolflike than dog like. It's black fur, or there lack of, clung to its body. The beasts fangs stuck out and a thick liquid oozed from its mouth. I almost threw up at the sight of it but kept running. It was still dark and all the clocks said it was only six at night. But we were in summer, it should still have been light outside. The creature behind my growled and it's teeth smashed together as it ran after me. Then. Silence. It was gone the monster was gone. In fact everything was gone. I was completely alone in the dark of the city. My head stung. There was a large aching pain, like a knife was being dug into my brain and twisted around. As if it was trying to kill me. It was horrible.


My eyes opened. I was in a hospital ward, Jess was sat at the end of my bed.

"'ey yer grand? yer belt yisser noggin really 'ard" I looked at her, my head still in pain, "Ah Bejasus don't touch yisser noggin!" Jess yelled at me. Her accent grinder down on me. Then there it was. I thought the whole thing was just a dream but stood behind her was a large smoky figure. It's eyes were large pits of death and a smile was pinned to its face. Sharp teeth protruded from the smile as it widened making my whole body go into paralysis. The things stretched it's arms out to Jess and touched her. Then it disappeared.

"What the fuck was that...." I said, my hands were shaking as I pointed behind her.

"Waaat wus waaat? Abby you're 'eadin' insane. Stay 'ere I'll git a nurse"

"I'm not insane Jess there was something there! Why can't you see it!!" I was screaming, my whole body was shaking. Then there was nothing. No noise, no light, no feeling. There was just nothing. I didn't like this, not one bit. I don't know why it happened to me. Why do I have to be different.

- the end -

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