Blood Moon

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                    CHAPTER 1

I picked up my wine glass and studied  the couple at the far end of the hall. They engaged in small talk with the men in their smartly pressed suits and women wearing long gowns and ornamented like a Christmas tree in sparkling diamonds.  While all the others saw the newly weds, blissfully in love, I saw through the cracks in their facade. How the seemingly loving gesture the man made by putting his arm around his young brides wrist , was actually there so one forceful squeeze could remind her if she spoke out of line. How the women kept glancing fearfully at the man. Careful of every word she uttered. How the man kept brushing his wifes' long hair over her shoulder. Maybe to others it was a thoughtful gesture, a doting husband wanting to make sure his wife looked perfect. But I saw it for what it was. The long hair gave the perfect cover for the bruise on her shoulder,  not so perfectly covered up with makeup.

But then again I could hardly blame anyone for not noticing. People see what they want to see. And can be amazingly stubborn or obtuse when something doesn't fit in their vision of their happy life.

As for me....... Well it was my job to notice. After all I'd been hired to kill the man.

A man introduced himself to me. Drawing my attention away from the lying couple.

I gave him a once over . Average height. Attractive face I suppose if you ignored that pompous smug look on his face. But as soon as he opened his mouth , what redeeming qualities he might have had disappeared.

"Allow me to introduce myself, Gerald Kingston the Third. You might have heard of me? My family owns Kingston enterprises"

I simply looked at him, not choosing to deem him with a reply. After a few moments he got flustered and continued

"Ah. Well it's ok if you haven't. I just saw a beautiful women and thought I would ask her for a dance? "

"Is that all you wanted to ask me?" I asked in a slightly loud tone. "If what you just said to your....buddies " I cast a look at the group of men trying to eavesdrop on our conversation "You wanted to ask me more then that"

He seemed to get more flustered and started to ask " How did you.... oh never mind what a foolish question" He suddenly seemed to remember what kind of people he was standing in a ballroom with.

"You're  right. " He said with a brush of confidence "I wanted to take you on a date. "

I suddenly  noticed the couple saying their goodbyes and decided to get rid of him.

"I might have considered that date but you see I don't enjoy going on dates with men that aren't able to make their girlfriend orgasm even once in two years. Try your luck with someone else sweetie"

He gazed at me flabbergasted
"How...what....who....?". While his friends howled in laughter, gasping for breath.

I started to walk towards the couple, when Gerald stepped in front of me. "Now....You look here, Do you know who I am? He blustered. Swelling up his chest . I gazed at him in quiet contempt and put a gentle hand on his arm.

"I would suggest you step out of the way and let me go." I said in a cold tone looking him straight in the eye.

His bravado disappeared at my words and the gentle burst of power I sent his way. He disappeared quicker then a ghost.

I continued on my way to the couple. Pausing at the doors and taking a look around to see if anyone saw me. I gathered my floor long turquoise gown in my hand and walked through the doors and onto the pavement.

I stared at the receding headlights of the couples' car and stood there; contemplating if killing the man was worth getting my new gown dirty. After all blood stains are such a bitch to get out.

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