Chapter 51: depart

Start from the beginning

      They quickly nodded and bowed in both respect and fear before hastily exiting the room, the earthquake immediately stopping as the large doors towards this chamber closed and left us twelve alone along with the Castello twins who were silently sitting at the side and observing.

     We waited for Kevin to talk but he merely sighed and opened his golden eyes, glancing at each of us one by one.

     "I know that all of you have questions especially you Muriel. However, the only thing I shall say now is that I am Raziel, one of the archangels. Some of your questions I will answer after you have your rest but those that are needed to be kept will be presented to you in due time." He stated firmly and groans escaped our lips in frustration while he chuckled silently.

      "Rest. You will need your strength and energy in our travel to our first stop to clear up some things." He mysteriously stated and our eyes widened in disbelief when he vanished from where he was but his last statement still echoed.

      "You can not escape this room. Either I forcibly knock all of you out or you simply obey and sleep."

       "Damn this kid." Shingu growled in annoyance.

       "I am not a kid for I am older than any being in this world." The voice countered once again and the imperial prince's eyes narrowed while glaring into nowhere in particular.

       "It feels so weird to be okay knowing that he is an archangel." Alfreed commented while she sat by one of the beds.

       "I am surprised myself that you aren't as surprised as how I expected."

       "Is it really good to trust you?"

       "You have no other choice but to trust me do you?"

       "Smart thinking."


             Kevin/ Raziel
         I flew out the window, straight towards the ground where Lord Asrael and King Decameron stood, conversing between themselves under the sky while the royal knights went on about their job and kept on scanning the grounds.

          "So you are an archangel after all." Lord Asrael states after caughting sight of me descending from above and I grinned before curtly nodding.

         "He's a what?!" King Decameron literally shouted in surprise that his crown almost fell and I almost chuckled in amusement but I chose to be curt before the imperial king and bowed as a sign of respect.

        "My dear Lord. How did you grasp an idea about it?" I courteously asked the head of the high court and he beamed.

        "I've had some suspicions the day I saw your golden eyes. No other descendant of the royal bloods have been missing out nor vanished without trace. Your presence alone told me something and I sensed that something in the back of your mind was locked, hidden. I am a mind reader after all." He chuckled and I nodded thoughtfully while the king took his time to absorb the revelations.

        "Then shall I presume that you have obtained your memories?" He asked me and I nodded again before gesturing my hands towards the entrance of the palace.

         "May I have the opportunity to discuss a few matters with your highness and with the head of the royal court?" I asked and they immediately complied, heading off towards the palace while I walked alongside them.

         We passed the halls in silence, not choosing to talk or the servants in the palace would know of our conversation and things would be troubled.

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