Rihan runs his hand in his hair vigorously and curses under his breath, realising Armaan has hurt Kavya's feelings. He was hoping to talk with Armaan and convince him to put efforts in this marriage. But he has withdrew his hand within a day and left her to suffer.

On the other hand, Armaan remembers Kavya's harsh words and anger awakens in his eyes.

"You are at fault....You are worse than your father...Mr. Armaan Raichand you are the most selfish person....a coward.....fake and illuminated."

Armaan clenches his fist and jaw, while glaring at the floor aimlessly. He states with rage lacing his voice, "But she, she insulted me."

This catches Rihan's attention and he asks with a frown, "What?"

Armaan shares Kavya's outburst with Rihan, who covers his face with both hands in frustration.

Rihan thinks, 'This is worst....this is extremely worst.'

Armaan speaks with anger burning in his eyes, "I confessed the truth, but instead of appreciating, she insulted me."

Rihan argues, "This is not the way to confess the truth, Armaan."

Anger rises in Armaan and he snaps at him, "Don't teach me what I should do, Rihan. This is none of your business, so stay in your limits."

Armaan's harsh words, make Rihan numb as the realisation of being an employee and belonging to a middle class family hits his heart.

He takes a step back, feeling disheartened and lowers his gaze. The reminder of his status, no longer gives him the courage to voice his opinion.

But Armaan's arrogance overpowers his senses and he fails to notice, he has hurt Rihan, his only friend who saved his life and stood by his side in every situation. 

So, without sparing a glance, Armaan turns to make his way towards his room. He enters and closes the door with a loud bang.

Rihan stares at Armaan's room door with hurtful gaze and turns to enter his room.

8 am, India

Kavya's Room, Armaan's Mansion

Kavya walks out of the bathroom, wearing a maroon long top with ivory pants. She walks towards the dressing table and takes her seat on the chair. Staring at her reflection, she observes her pale skin and blank eyes. 

She orders herself, "You can't be weak Kavya, you are Papa's strong pillar who doesn't budge under any circumstances."

Kavya closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, to gather her courage and stay strong.

She opens her eyes and moves her hand towards her neck. She removes the Mangalsutra and opens the right drawer to drop it inside. Kavya grabs the pot of kumkum (vermilion powder) and places besides the Mangalsutra. Last, removing the engagement ring, she keeps it near the pot.

Kavya shuts the drawer, forcing her married life to remain lock inside with her dreams, expectations and emotions for Armaan to restrain them from becoming the hurdle to her decision.

Kavya shifts her gaze back to the mirror and forces a smile though the spark in her eyes remain dull.

She speaks with her reflection, "I am strong, very strong."

Kavya takes the hairbrush and combs her long hair. Then grabbing her cosmetics, she applies moisturiser, black kohl and natural tinted lip gloss.

She tucks a pair of pearl earrings in her ears and wears her platinum wristwatch with pearl bracelet. Kavya smiles at her reflection in the mirror again, attempting to look better.

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