Project Saved!

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I really really, sincerely, want to thank you all for the kind comments on my last post...!

I'm so grateful for your support and kindness!
Your words really touched me...and I'm glad to draw for you guys any day!

With that said, you guys brought up my motivation to recreate the project I had lost. I had an old save file of it, which was really far back in the process, but nonetheless, I was able to complete it! Your sweet and encouraging thoughts and words really motivated me to do this.

Thank you, so much!

I was really down after what had happened (andmaybesortacriedhahai'msodeadinsidelol)

So, I'm glad to be up and motivated again.



About the Project:

It was the first time I really tried to draw some geometric kind of art, and I think it's pretty good! All the measurements were made very easily with a triangular grid and lots of patience with how slow the program ran with the amount of layers I had used. (...120 or so I think...?)
This piece was also based on a song, which I intensely related to my own emotions in the rough patch in middle school.

The song:

[Credit To Hazuki no Yume]

This room is a diagram of my bedroom, except I have a netting over my bed that I was too tired to draw, and lots more small details around like books, a radio and posters.
However, I decided that would be arbitrary to the feel of the whole piece, and decided not to add those pieces.
I also wanted to add realistic PNGs to the piece like real safetypins and scissors, but I decided that those didn't suit the look and didn't add them.
This was one of my larger projects in recent memory, and I'm glad I was able to finish it!

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