Like Father, Like Son

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Fiddleford walked into the kitchen and over to Ford.

"The kiddos are unpackin'." Fiddleford smiled and wrapped his arm around Fords and locked their fingers together.

"I hope they'll be comfortable." Ford said, genuinely worried about how his neice and nephew adapt to the new set up and relationships. They wouldn't be staying as long as last time but still.

"Pfft, don't worry Poindexter. They actually know their weird old uncles this time." Stan patted Fords shoulder.

Ford couldn't help but chuckle, he did have a fair point.

"Hey, speaking of kids, do you know where Tate is?"  Ford felt weird asking that, especially considering he asked that at least three times in the distant past.

"Hmm... I think he's workin' down at the lake today." Fiddleford had to take a second to think before answering the question.

"He's working today? Tomorrow's Thanksgiving." Stan said whilst leaning on a counter.

Ford and Fiddleford stared at him for a moment. They don't think Stan realized the irony in what he was saying considering he made his employees work on holidays.

"What?" He was genuinely confused by the stares.

"It's just weird hearing you, of all people, saying that, Stanley." Ford gave a smug look as his brother rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, not saying another word.

"Why'd you ask?" Fiddleford looked up at Ford and gave his hand a small and gentle squeeze.

"Hmm? Just wanted to ask him something is all." Ford smiled, trying not to seem nervous or anything. Fiddleford gave a small nod and yawned.

"Well, while yer doin' that, think I'm gonna take a nap." Fiddleford gave Ford a gentle kiss and left the kitchen.

"Guess I'm goin' to stay here with the kids and watch tv or something." Stan also left.

Ford gulped and held his hands behind his back. He hasn't really talked to Tate without Fiddleford present, well, not in the last 30 years. He had to ask him alone this time though. He also had to make it all up to that kid.

He grabbed his coat and messenger bag on his way out the door.


"Excuse me, do you know where Tate McGucket works?" Ford asked a guy in the rent a boat shed.

"He's on break, fishin'." The scruffy large man responded.

"Oh good! Thank you!" Ford smiled and left hastily after the man responded with only a grunt.

Ford scanned the lake, not wanting to exert himself too much. He spotted Tate on a boat in the middle of the lake so he walked to the edge of the dock and waved at him.

He saw Ford but appeared to be ignoring him.

Ford didn't want to draw too much attention to himself, the lake was rather full today, he guessed it had to do with tomorrow being Thanksgiving. But it seemed as though he had no choice.

"Hey! Tate! Over here! It's Stanford! I need to ask you something" he yelled with one hand cupping his mouth so sound would travel and the other waving in the air. He also jumped a few times.

Everyone's attention was drawn to him. Everyone except for Tate. So, he yelled louder and waved both arms around.

Tate groaned and started to ride back towards the dock Ford stood on.

Ford smiled with both excitementand nervousness. The only proper thing to compare to his current expression is a new puppy unsure of it's surroundings but also excited for all the new sights and smells.

Tate tied up the small motor boat and climbed onto the dock.

"Uh, afternoon, Doctor Pines?" Tate was confused about why on earth this man was here.

"I have a very important question to ask you. Though I think I should ask it somewhere else, away from all these tourist." He gave a small smile. "And I've told you, call me Ford."

They began to walk on a trail that went through the thin line of trees surrounding the lake. The dirt path was rocky and damp, at least the parts not covered in gold and red leaves that have fallen from the trees edging the path.

There was awkward and tense silence for awhile. They weren't exactly good at communicating. They hadn't really communicated since Tate was a young child, after all.

"So..." Ford fiddled with his fingers behind his back. "You know, I love your father very very much."

"Which is why you ruined his life." Tate regretted that immediately, it was a bit harsh. "Sorry."

Ford took a deep and impatient breath to calm down before responding.

"Tate, I'm sorry for that. There wasn't a second I didn't regret and think about that. Hell, I know I didn't deserve your father's forgiveness. But," he paused and kicked a rock into the lake.

"I love him. I love him more than anything in the mutiverse." He sighed, realizing that when he speaks from the heart it's always cheesy. "I'm beyond honored to know him."

"I'm glad you feel so strongly." Tate had a annoyed and mad tone about his voice.
"So what?"

"I want to marry your father."  Ford stepped in front of Tate with the most serious face the younger had ever seen on the man. "I won't ask for your forgiveness. How you feel about me is fair. I don't deserve forgiveness for what I did to your family. But, I am not going to marry him without your say approval. I have no right to do so."

Tate laughed. "Your asking for my blessing? Seriously? Go ahead. I don't give a crap about what you two do." That wasn't really true but there was no point in saying no. They were old. He knew it would make his dad happy and he deserved to be happy. "Just don't hurt him again."

"Thank you!" Ford lunged forward and hugged Tate out of thankfulness. He didn't used to be a hugger. He probably just spent a little too long without human contact. That mulitiverse changes a man.

Tate wasn't sure how to react so he just kept his hands to his sides awkwardly.

"No problem Doc- I mean, Ford?" As he said that Ford let go with such a overjoyed and shining smile. He'd never seen such happiness in one person. He was actually happy for him?


A/N: That poor awkward man. Which one? Exactly.  Also sorry it's been so long! I haven't had any motivation. I started a au Fiddauthor fic though. So look forward to that at some point. I'll recheck and edit this tomorrow. I reread a few times but I'm tired so I apologize if there are grammatical errors or anything!

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