Temporary Get-away (calming)

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I laid silently. It was just myself, the darkness, my thoughts and the sound of rain hitting the window. Well I guess you could add the occasional crack from the thunder. Rain was such a calming thing...


Something I didn't understand was how some people could find thunder storms scary. I loved them. They used to bother me as a child but now I found comfort in them, always waiting for the next one to come along.

I didn't mind how the power had a chance of cutting out. It left me with my thoughts and gave me time to sort them out and think about my life. Most people don't like doing that kind of stuff. For me, my mind is my happy get away place. It allows a temporary escape from reality. Call me a dreamer, I don't care. It's absolutely true.

I zoned back into the current situation I was in. My thoughts leaving me for a few moments. I crawled to my window beside my bed and opened the blinds. I saw the rain hitting harshly against the window.

"Is it starting to hail?..." I thought out loud to myself softly.

Not that I cared. It was that time of year when it was cold and it wasn't uncommon. Just a random thought.

I crawled back down my bed and laid once again. Closing my eyes and let out a sigh. I felt content with the situation. Being left alone with no stress and some comforting weather. It feels amazing.


The thunder cracked once again. A smile came to my face. I'm glad I'm not afraid of this. Because I'd be missing out on a lot if I was.

I slipped back into my day dream. Wondering what my future would be like. What would I be? Who would I end up with in the end? Maybe no one? Who knows? What will I look like when I'm older? Etc.

What can I say, I was a curious person. Don't you ever ask yourself those kind of things? Or maybe it's just me... well it doesn't matter. I just say that if this kind of stuff puts me at ease then it's all okay.

I love when I can feel free. It's an amazing feeling. My mind allows that sometimes.

I opened my eyes suddenly having a temptation. I reached to my side table and opened the drawer. I found my Polaroid and slowly grabbed it from its sitting place. I fixed my hair a bit before laying down and making sure the lighting was good. Raising the Polaroid after making sure it was ready to be used I carefully snapped a picture. The flash was blinding but it was all worth the picture I would get out of it. The Polaroid started to process the picture, then printed out. I plucked it from the Polaroid and started to shake it. The development was the most awful thing, but interesting at same time. It was different from just having an instant picture like on your phone. This felt more vintage, and I liked that style.

I looked back down at the photo to see that it had developed. It wasn't bad. That was always the hard part with Polaroids. You can't really see the photo before it develops.

I suddenly felt in the mood to make some coffee for myself and to grab a book. I quietly got up and made my way to the kitchen, but not before looking out the window one more time. The rain was still coming down. I stood for a minute, listening to the rain again before making my way to the kitchen.

Thank you rain, for being my temporary get-away...

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