Chapter Three

Começar do início

"Yep" I answered and she began to laugh all over again.

"You had absolutely awful taste, didn't you rip your pants right in front of him." I groaned remembering the sad story that is my life.

"Shut up, that's not why I called you. Logan called me while I was at the hospital," Payton's laughter stopped and her tone became serious, "why were you at the hospital?" She questioned.

"I'm anemic" I answered.

"When did this happen? Has that Blonde Vampire been using you as his personal lollipop?" Her tone was scornful. I rolled my eyes, what's up with everyone and that damned vampire?

"No!" I yelled into the phone. "Can you stay on topic?" I questioned and she sighed.

"So Logan called, who cares? He was nobody then, he's probably nobody now." When did she become so stuck up? I lay back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry Payton; could you repeat that? I couldn't hear you over your ego." I answered, shaking my head.

"Oh come on, don't give me that, "everybody's somebody" speech. You grew out of your awkward stage alright, Logan never will." The tom-boy said definitely.

"Does that mean I don't call him back?" I asked.

"Of course you don't call him back!" She yelled so loudly I had to remove the phone from my ear. "Have you not been listening? I swear, sometimes it's like talking to a wall" I narrowed my eyes at the ceiling.

"Just for that, I'm calling him. Nice talking to ya" I hung up before she could say anything else. Some people are just so negative.

Before I set the phone down, it began ringing. Immediately thinking it was Payton I answered. "What now? Are you going to try and talk me out of this? Well too bad, I'm calling Logan and there's nothing you can do about it."

"No need to, I definitely called you." I gulped.

"Uh Payton? Did you come down with a case of Mono?" I asked and there was a soft chuckle. My heart began to pound excitedly, I knew that chuckle anywhere. "Logan?" I asked.

"The one and only," he answered and I quickly hit the end button. I took the back off my phone and took out the battery, I was overreacting yes, but I couldn't talk to him. I had made a fool of myself once tonight; I wouldn't let it happen twice. Why had he called me anyway?

I woke up the next morning and reassembled my phone; I had a few text messages from Payton and my other friends, but thankfully none from Logan.

Logan would definitely be the one that got away. We were just starting to date when he just had to move. I probably would be with him today, but as I said he left. After him, I hadn't had any "real" interest in anyone. I wasn't scared (unless I'm in denial) I just didn't want to go there with anyone anymore. Either way, this was unexpected. I never thought I'd hear, or see him again. I had mentally/emotionally prepared myself for that, and he just had to ruin it.

I put on a fitting pair of skinny jeans, black ankle boots with thick heels, and a gray half-shirt. I put a black tank top underneath it that worked well with the picture of the black tiger on the shirt. I put moose in my hair, making my reddish brown hair curly. I smiled at my reflection, I looked good. I was indecisive about the smoky eye shadow but after I had put it on I was happy.

My mother gave me a hug and my dad kissed my forehead, "you look gorgeous. Have a good day," he said while grabbing his brief case. He usually worked from home; they must've had a meeting of some sort because he never dressed up. My father wore a black suite with a turquoise dress shirt (I had bought him for Christmas) and a white and turquoise tie. He wore his most expensive pair of black dress shoes which he only wore those to church.

"Have fun at work," I said and he rolled his eyes.

I pulled into the parking lot and quickly got out. I waved at a couple people I knew and walked inside. Staying as far away from the line as possible I made my way to my locker. I was mildly surprised to see Payton, Kylie, Devin, and James standing in front of my locker. All of them turned when I walked in.

"I feel like I've walked into the twilight zone, what's going on?" I asked and Payton looked at Kylie, who looked at James, who looked at Devin. She grimaced and sighed, "Its Logan" she didn't sound too excited. The two used to be best friends.

"Yea, he called me last night. What does that have to do with anything?" I questioned. I didn't mean to make it seem like that big of a deal. It truly wasn't I was just... being me?

"Forget the phone call, he's here." She said and I felt my heart sputter.

"He can't be, he supposed to be in Virginia." I ran a hand through my mess of curls.

"Yea well, that's not the bigger of your problems-" She said but then fell silent as all four of them looked towards the school entrance. I turned to see what they were looking at. I could've had a heart attack, or I could've fainted, or I could have screamed Hail Mary! But I just stared, Logan was back alright.

I watched him walk in; he looked at the line then at the students. He had cut his hair, and had lost the baby weight, all of it. He had lean muscle that looked great in his gray tee. He had on white skinny jeans and grey and black high tops. His chocolate brown eyes connected with mine and he smiled, his teeth were so perfectly straight. His lips a light pink, a slender nose that fit his face perfectly.

I involuntarily bit my lip whilst he began to walk down the hallway. Not that big of a deal, anyone can walk down a hallway, but here it meant something. It's quite a big deal when he wasn't walking on our side of the line.


A/N: And the plot thickens... Ello Loves! I hope you enjoyed this chapter more than the last. Hopefully you will continue to support. This story will have many twist and turns but don't worry things will pick up but not so fast that it seems... rushed? Hold on to your seats ladies & gents. =D


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