Start from the beginning

-by _Aribear_

Never heard of her. Sounds gorgeous.

"Drink stiles' blood, aint a bad thing, think about how TASTY his blood is and ONLy his blood is."

-by defensively

Would if I could, but I don't really feel like throwing up or getting rid of this power over myself.


-by QueenSavage18

And give up this? Don't think so.

"How bad do you wanna smash with void stiles?"

-by catsdontbounce

On a scale from one to ten, is twelve possible?

"Do you still love stiles or do you want to kill him? And if you want to kill him do you want to kill him slowly and suffer or quick?"

-by KaitlinBerry

I don't know. He's quite attractive, but if I did kill him, I would probably make it slow.

"Do you ever think about going back to how you were before?"

-by teenwolfbc

The constant nagging in my head does, but I like to dismiss it.

"On a scale of one to ten, how powerful do you feel?"

-by sarcasticwolfiee


"Is there even a little bit that still cares for your old friends? Is there even a little bit that cares for Stiles?"


Not so much for friends, but I care for Stiles. Well, I care how he looks. That counts, right?

"How do you feel now compared to when you weren't Void Indigo?"

-by beautitae

I feel stronger. I feel like I'm in control, and I love it.

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