Chapter 11 (Ethan)

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"So wha' are we gonna do now?" Collin repeats, this time a hint of irritation in his voice that I have no doubt is aimed at me for my quick decision to include Tiger Lily. Normally I would have addressed the issue further but have not the time nor the patience to enter an argument with either one at the moment.

"We are going to need something else in order to help Pan and Catey," I state, not breaking pace.

"Oh. And what is that?" Tiger Lily questions.

I then stop and turn to the pair behind me giving them a sly grin. "Tell me," I state. "What are your opinions about mermaids?"


I smile as the boys, Tiger Lily, and I stand at the edge of Mermaid Lagoon.

"Why in Neverlan' do ya have such a scary smile on your face, Curly? In fact, why are we even 'ere?" Collin asks warily.

"Because, Collin, mermaids are the only creatures that can travel through realms," I state matter-of-factly.

"And how does that help us? Do they not despise you all and have an appetite for human flesh?" Tiger Lily questions and I hear Collin audibly gulp next to me.

"Yes, that is all true but I have a feeling that if I pull the Catey card with the mermaids as well, they, like you, will be more willing to help us. After all, when Pan banished her from the encampment they were her only companions until you came along," I answer.

"You definitely place a great deal of faith in your persuasive abilities," Tiger Lily skeptically states, though I can see the small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

My own smile broadens at this as I question, "I convinced you, didn't I?" She visibly blushes at that as I continue, "Besides, I have learned that in Neverland you really have nothing if you don't have belief."

"We brought the boat, Curly," Damian states as he and his twin arrive, dragging the aforementioned object behind them.

"Perfect. Put it in the water. And Collin," I say and he stiffens upon being addressed, "Get in."

"Wha'?" he asks, his face draining of all color except for his smattering of freckles.

"You heard me. Get in," I state with a wicked smile.

"Why?" he asks cautiously.

"Because we are going to catch a mermaid."


"How long do we 'ave to stay out 'ere?" Collin moans as he lays back exasperatedly in the boat.

"As long as it takes," I reply sternly, refusing to take my eyes off of the surface of the water.

"But we've been floating 'ere for near on three hours," he huffs.

"Patience is the key to catching the trickiest of prey," I snap.

"Or you could simply ask," a calm, clear voice states from behind us.

Collin and I both quickly whip around to face to source, Collin so forcefully that he loses his balance and almost catapults himself over the side. The young mermaid giggles lightly at this display of true grace and Collin's cheeks turn a bright red as he quickly averts his eyes.

"You must be Ethan," the mermaid exclaims, turning to face me. "You look exactly as she described."

"I am," I affirm. "That must make you Celeste, then."

She nods. "I had a feeling you would be coming soon."

"How did ya kno' tha'?" Collin asks, his courage fully restored.

"I have my waves," she says vaguely.

"You can travel to different realms, correct?" I say, cutting off their conversation.

"You're a very direct one, aren't you?" Celeste replied with an amused lilt to her tone. When I don't reply, she continues, "Yes. Why?"

"I need a favor," I state.

"And why in Trident's name should I help you?" she asks skeptically.

"Because Catherine needs you to."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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