Chapter 10 (Peter)

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I wake up with the dawn as was usual back home and I am immediately bombarded once again with the many thoughts and worries that had kept me awake the previous night. I sigh tiredly and rub my eyes thoroughly before sitting up and resting my arms on my knees. I look to my side and notice that Nolan is still asleep and the house around me is comfortably quiet, his family members presumably still asleep upstairs. I take this moment of what I am assuming is a rare one of peace to slip out the front door and into the morning dawn. Fresh dew still coats the leaves and the sun's rays are just starting to poke through. I take a deep breath of the fresh air, closing my eyes and letting all of my pent-up frustration out with my breath. 

The morning is quiet, with only the occasional cooing of a dove. It's not long before I feel a presence come up behind me and stop silently to my right. I re-open my eyes to find Nolan standing next to me, his eyes focused on something straight ahead of us. I follow his gaze and find that a deer and her young fawn have entered the clearing directly in front of the house. The mother catches us watching her and stares at us for a long while and after determining that we are no threat to her or her baby, she strides calmly on, the little one very close behind her.

I then feel Nolan's eyes on me and I turn to face him. His gaze pins me to my spot, his eyes so expressive, so full of concern and guilt. He knows the pain I am feeling and I oddly get the feeling that he understands it too.  I muster up a small smile for him and place my hand on his shoulder, gripping it tightly. 

"It wasn't your fault, you know? You shouldn't blame yourself for what happened to her because there was nothing any of us could have done. We were blindsided. All of us," I state, squeezing his shoulder slightly more, willing the sincerity of my words to penetrate his thoughts. He gives a small nod to this, but I can tell he feels bad about it still, as he guiltily turns his gaze away from mine.

"Don't worry," I say. "We'll get her back."

I notice that while the comments were meant to comfort him, it also served as a reassurance to myself.

"We'll get her back," I repeat, turning my gaze forward. 

We stand there in companionable silence for a long while until we both feel a presence behind us. We both turn back towards the house to find Ilia staring off into the forest as well. Her face is tired, more solemn and reserved than it was the previous night and she is covered in a light shawl in order to keep warm in the crisp morning air. She feels our gazes on her and she shifts her gaze to me, her expression entirely unchanging.

"If we want to make it to the market before the crowds set in, we should leave soon," she states.

I sigh knowing that she is probably right but remain where I am.

After a moment of watching me for any sign of movement, she too sighs and makes to re-enter the house.

"Will you accompany us?" I suddenly ask, halting her movements.

"Only if you want me to," she replies simply and I nod.

"It would be most appreciated," I say and I feel Nolan's gaze snap to my face.

Ilia then smiles sweetly and nods before hurrying into the house.

I look at Nolan and see his wary gaze on mine. "The words used to taste funny in my mouth and the kindness in them used to sicken me, Nolan, but as it continues I find that it reminds me of Catey and those feelings have slowly started to fade away," I explain and he nods slightly, still not entirely sure what to make of my change of speech. "I'm alright. I promise," I assure and he slowly turns his gaze away from me once more.

"Shall we then?" I hear Ilia ask from behind us and I notice that she has managed to quickly change clothes and is ready to head to the market.

"Might as well," I say as she reaches us.

"I left Mom a note explaining where we have gone and how long I think we will be there so she won't worry about us too much when she wakes up. I was tempted to wait because she should be up any time now but I knew that you would want to head out as soon as possible," she explains as we begin our walk.

Nolan nods at her in appreciation and I flash her a small smile in silent agreement. We all then fall silent and continue our walk as such.

We reach the market just as the village begins to awaken and people begin bustling around in the streets. I pay no heed to them, instead staying focused on Ilia's back which is leading us to wherever we will be able to find more information on Catherine's whereabouts.

I allow my thoughts to wander to Catey and start to contemplate why she would ever want to stay here when she seemed so happy back home. Besides, considering her last encounter with her mother, you would think that she would want to stay as far away from Morgana as possible. Just before these thoughts begin to overwhelm me, though, I hear a group of girls gossiping a few feet away from us.

"Oh, isn't it simply marvelous, Samantha!"

"Yes, Agatha, it really is!"

"Why, all eligible gentlemen and ladies from areas as far as the countryside have been invited to attend Princess Catherine's birthday celebration! Isn't that exciting?"

"Yes, Aggie, it most certainly is! Oh, what in the Enchanted Forest am I going to wear?"

"I just don't know Samantha, but you better figure it out quickly for the ball is tomorrow night!"

I tune out the conversation from there and quickly grab both Ilia and Nolan by the arms and drag them into a nearby ally.

"What in-" Ilia starts but I quickly quiet her with the panicked and anger-infused look on my face. Nolan looks at me and nods in a way that encourages me to explain.

"Did you hear those girls gossiping over there?" I ask, pointing to the individuals in question. They both shake their heads and I quickly recount the conversation I just overheard.

"Oh my gosh! This is fantastic! A ball and every eligible man and maiden are invited!" Ilia practically squeals.

Nolan and I both look at her with a mixture of horror and bewilderment at her reaction to this news.

"What in Neverland do you mean? This is horrible! This is-" I protest but she is quick to interrupt me.

'This is your way into the palace!"

I see realization dawn on Nolan's face as the meaning of what she just said starts to sink in.

"Don't you see? We don't need to see the paper anymore because now you'll be able to ask her yourself in person!" Ilia explains excitedly and I can't help but start to feel relieved over our good fortune. "Quick! We must get back home, explain things to Mom, and start preparing immediately!"

She starts to head out of our little spot when I grab her arm. "Why are you helping me?" I ask her and she can tell this is a very loaded question considering her behavior last night.

She gazes at me softly before her expression changes to hold a wicked smile. "Because it is impossible to catch flies with vinegar."

She then slips from my grasp and begins leading the way home. As we walk, though, I begin to wonder if she means that she still considers me a conquest or if she genuinely wants to help me.

Man I really need to get more sleep. Even my narrations are full of proper grammar.

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