Chapter 10

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Rossi's POV

"Bye guys," I said as I closed the door. "Okay. Time to turn in." I head to my bedroom and got in bed. I laid there for hours and I looked at the clock. "It's five am." I heard dishes downstairs and I sat up in bed. "Who would be awake at this time?" I walked downstairs to the kitchen and there was Scarlett cleaning. "Sweetheart, you don't have to do that."

"Dad, its the least I could do since I went to bed," said Scarlett.

"Okay," I said as my phone started rining. I picked up. "Rossi."

"We got a case," said Hotch as he hung up.

"Time to go," I said as Scarlett put the dishes up. "Suit up."

"Okay," said Scarlet as she left.

"Time to get ready," I said as I walked up to my bed room. I changed into my suit and grabbed my gun and badge. "Okay." I walked downstairs and there was Scarlett waiting. "Why didn't you head to the BAU without me?"

"Dad, do you know what time it is?" asked Scarlett. "I'll rather ride than drive."

"Okay," I said as we got into the car. I drove us to the BAU and we walked into the conference room. "Case?"

"You jinxed it, Hotch," said JJ.

"Case?" I asked.

Scarlett's POV

"I'll read it," I said grabbing the file. "Another male raping teen girls." I kept reading. "He just raped a seventeen year old last night." I checked all the cases before. "Seven days ago he raped a ten year old?"

"This guy is a creep," said JJ.

"Yeah," said Morgan.

"Wait," I said. "If he continues this pattern he's going to rape an 18 year old tonight."

"What 18 year old is going to be in the woods with some friends alone?" asked Dad. "That's basically asking to be raped."

"I'm 18," I said standing up slowly. "I'll play bait."

"I'm not risking you going out there and getting raped," said Dad.


"And we're doing this," said Dad over the earpiece.

"Yes Dad," I said. I was walking in the woods with JJ. "So, what did your dad say about camping?"

"He was fine," said JJ. "Yours?"

"Not okay with this," said Dad over the earpiece.

"Fine," I said with a smile.

"I'm going to head back," said JJ.

"Okay," I said as she left. "Hm." I stood still listening to me surroundings. I heard a twig snap. I got scared. "It's okay."

"Closing in," said Dad.

"No," I said. I felt a presence behind me. I was going to reach for my gun but the next thing I know I was on the ground. "Ugh." I grabbed my gun but I couldn't see because it was so dark. The next thing I know someone kick the gun from my hand. "Close in."

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" I heard Morgan yell.

"Yes," I said. I grabbed my flashlight and shined it in front of me. I got up. The guy turned back around to look at me. I did a spin kik and the guy fell to the ground. I saw my gun on the ground and I picked it up. I turned around and pointed my gun and flashlight at the guy. "FBI freeze!"

"You okay?" asked Morgan as he walked up to me.

"Yeah," I said as I put my gun and flashlight up. Hotch handcuffed the guy. "I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" asked Morgan.

"Yeah," I said. "I knocked out the guy."

Reid's POV

"Nice kick," I said as Morgan and Scarlett entered the van. "That was cool."

"Did you take karake?" asked Morgan.

"Never," said Scarlett.

"Put your position was right and you kicked him in the right place," I said. "How'd you know what to do?"

"I guess having so much free time you pick up a few things," said Scarlett. "I never really was a normal child."

"You're not normal now," I said. "We usually join the FBI at age 21. You're eighteen."

"As a child," said Scarlett. "I never had a child hood."

"That's true," said Morgan as JJ and Prentiss got into the van. We started moving. "Wow."

"Nice kick," said JJ. "You're a great agent."

"With out her, we wouldn't be here," I said. "We solved the case in a few hours."

"It usually takes days," said Morgan.

"Glad you're here," I said.

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