Chapter 1

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Scarlett's POV

Hi. I'm Scarlett Rossi. Many say I don't look like my father. Well, I can explain that. I was adoped my David Rossi when I was a little baby. When I turned 16, he told me I was adopted but I didn't care because I grew up called him Dad. Now, today is my 18th birthday. "Dad, I'm going to go out with a couple of friends for my birthday," I said. "Unless you need me here. I haven't made much plans yet."

"I'm going to take you to the BAU," said Dad. BAU stood for Behavioral Analysis Unit. "I'm going to put you to work."

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"You're part of the FBI," said Dad handing me my badge. "Welcome to the team." He handed me a gun with a holster. "Welcome aboard."

"Omg Dad," I said giving him a gun. "Thank you."

"Now, go change," said Dad. "Meet me at the BAU."

"Alright," I said as Dad left. I went up and changed into a pair of slacks. I clipped my badge and my holster onto my pants. I put on a light blue button up and I grabbed my black blazer. I put it on. I grabbed my keys and phone and left the house. "I'm so excited." I drove the the BAU and waited outside for a minute. "Here we go. This is where my future starts."

Reid's POV

"So, when are we meeting the new add on to the FBI?" I asked.

"Reid, you're not profiling her," said Rossi.

"Her?" I asked.

"Did I mention she's my daughter?" asked Rossi.

"I didn't realize you had a kid," said Hotch.

"I adopted her when she was a baby," said Rossi.

"Okay, so either way —"

"You're NOT profiling her," said Rossi.

"Is she here or what?" asked JJ.

"At least we won't be outnumbered," said Prentiss.

"Well, I wouldn't necessarially say that," I said. "But I wanna meet her. I bet she's beautiful."

"I surely can tell you that you can't have her," said Rossi.

"Well, I wasn't really going to ask her," I said.

"Hot shot here might," said Garcia.

"Maybe not," said Morgan.

"Yeah, right," said Garcia.

"Okay, why don't you call you're daughter?" I asked. "She should be here."

Morgan's POV

"I'm ready to meet anyone new," I said.

"She's going to be your new partner," said Hotch.

"Here she comes," said Rossi. She walked into the conference room. "Hi sweetie."

"Hi Dad," said the girl giving Rossi a hug. "Sorry I'm late."

"It's okay," said Rossi. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks Dad," said the girl.

"Okay. Everyone, this is Junior SSA Agent Scarlett Rossi. Other than her having the same last name, please call her Scarlett," said Rossi. "And it's her 18th birthday today. Finally her own adult and hopefully her own family. Please introduce yourselves. Let's start with Hotch."

"Senior SSA Agent Aaron Hotchner," said Hotch. "Please call me Hotch and welcome to the FBI. I'm your Cheif Unit."

"Agent Jennifer Jareau, call me JJ," said JJ. "Welcome to the team."

"Agent Emily Prentiss," said Prentiss. "You can call me by my friend or last name. I answer to both."

"Dr. Spencer Reid, I'm a profiler," said Reid. "You can call me either name as well."

"I'm Agent Derek Morgan but you can call me Morgan," I said. "I'm your partner as Hotch has told me. Welcome to the team. And Happy birthday."

"Thank you," said Scarlett smiling.

"I'm Penelope Garcia, the techie," said Garcia. "You can call me anytime for information needed."

"No, Garcia," said Rossi.

"Information needed for the case," said Garcia.

"Okay," said Scarlett.

"If you're father would've told us it was your birthday, we would've gotten you a gift," I said.

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