Patrol gone wrong

Start from the beginning

"Surly they will have the stairs covered so we will climb up over there. See that thing in the roof? We'll use it for cover. "

Dan nodded approvingly securing his own weapon for the climb. There were small avant-corps in the wall along with holes due to the moldered state the building was in. It would take all their skills since they could only hang on to it with their fingertips and toes. Side by side they made their way to the top and Eric could feel his fingers in his left hand nearing a cramp.

'Dammit!' He refused to give in. Shaking his hand once he went on and finally, after a few more climbs, he was able to carefully pull his body over the top, Dan following moments later.

Eric had been right: A figure was standing close to the stairs looking down - they wouldn't have had a chance in hell to pass that tiny opening. Five other men were sprawled on the ground close to the edge shooting down and, though it would be good to get one of them alive for questioning, Eric didn't want to take any risk. His priority was to get Ethan and Theo out there. Then there were also the remaining men from Amity. Perhaps he would have taken the risk if it would have been only these men, but there was no way he'd gamble with the life of Ethan and Theo.

The moment he had seen Ethan again for the first time after choosing day came flashing back to his mind. Like now he had been on patrol and, turning around the corner, he had suddenly literally run into him. After that he'd always made sure to regularly patrol the sector were his Abnegation turned friend now did all he could to help the Factionless. Already back in Erudite Ethan had had always looked out for others, putting them first. He got bullied for that and while Eric was by no means even tempered and friendly, he had always hated bullies. So he stood up for Ethan and the two of them became a pair of unlikely friends, making the others wonder what made them stick together. Choosing day and the regulations of the Faction tor the friends apart, when Ethan followed his heart consequently choosing Abnegation while Eric choose dauntless, both protectors at heart, both willing to do so with their given skill set.

Signaling Dan to cover him, Eric slowly made his way to the man at the stairs. Due to the continuing gun fire he was able to sneak up on him and with one swift motion he covered his mouth with one hand and then broke his neck. He may have been able to just choke the man until he passed out but that would have ment taking a high risk at being discovered due to the struggle, again a risk he wouldn't take. He needed to take these men out as effectively as possible to ensure Ethan's and Theo's lives. He still remembered the day Ethan had told him of meeting Abigail and later on of Theo's birth more than three years ago. Once in a while Eric had been able to meet with Ethan in a safe location close to the Abnegation quarters to the sole purpose of getting to know his friend's son and wife. To be honest, Eric didn't much care for Abnegation, as most of their rules seemed plain stupid to him. He had no wish to 'project outwards until he disappeared'. What kind of manifesto was that? But Ethan seemed to like it there since he was able to help people and look out for others in his own way and Abigail, who was born Abnegation, seemed all right for a stiff to him.

Again Eric signaled Dan. They had to aim carefully to take out the threats. He aimed for the head. For one it was the only part of the body sticking off the ground and on the other hand it promised a quick death.

A minute later everything was over, with all five rebels dead on the ground. He left Dan to search their pockets for evidence and to collect the weapons while he rushed down the stairs to reconnect with Ethan. Down on the streets again, he noticed something was off. Barry was on his knees next to Ethan while the Amity were gathered around them. Barry head snapped to him but he wasn't getting up. Eric rushed over and, getting down on his knees himself, he saw that Ethan had been hit during the fight. He should have been the one staying with him Eric dreaded but then again, Barry never would have been able to climb the facade of the building. He knew that. Never had been much of a climber, neither during initiation nor later.

Ethan caught his eye:

"Eric, it happened before you came. There is nothing you could have done."

"Ethan." Eric let out in pain, shrugging out of his jacked to carefully put in beneath Ethan head. He could see that his friend was dying. He briefly wondered why he hadn't been able to see it in the beginning. But then again his friend had already been crouched down; there had been nothing suspicious about it since it had been necessary for cover. The wound had been facing away from him and he knew from experience that Ethan was pretty good had hiding his injuries. It was a very Ethan thing to try to offer comfort to him with his dying breath. Why hadn't they arrived only a few minutes earlier?

"Eric, listen..." Now Ethan was already coughing up blood. "I want you to take Teddy in and raise him."

"Ethan, are you sure? You were never one for dauntless." Eric stammered, caught completely off guard.

"This isn't about dauntless, this is about you." Ethan looked at him with trust like he always had. Not many people trusted him like that. And with that it was settled with Eric.

"I promise, Ethan." Eric made sure to look him in the eyes and saw the relieve reflecting in them.

"Thank you."

"Come here!" Eric barked at the men standing about. "We need you as witnesses!"

The Amity, as well as Barry and Dan, who had joined them by now, came over.

"You heard him?" Eric asked the men tersely.

"Yes." All of them confirmed.

"So you will testify his wish." Eric clarified.

The three men from Amity nodded while Barry and Dan said: "You can count on us."

Not bothering with them any longer, Eric turned back to his friend. His men knew what to do and right now he couldn't care less about the Amity. After all there hadn't been any victims among them.

It was painfully clear to him, that Ethan was holding unto his son with his last strength and reaching out his own hands, Eric supported his friend's grip. Ethan was fading fast now and Eric simply set by him, changing his position so he was supporting Theo with one hand while holding Ethan's with the other. He didn't know how much time had passed when he felt Ethan going limp. Slowly he closed his eyes before he gently detangled a crying Teddy out of his father's arms. He picked him up, softly stroking his head with a tenderness he didn't even knew he had, while Teddy buried his face in his chest like he had done with his father. Secured in the knowledge that his friend's son trusted him like is father had, Eric set out to dauntless leaving Barry and Dan in charge to clear up everything else.

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