SH - Silent Treatment

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Word Count: 500

"Still not talking to each other, are we?" John announced as he walked into the living room. You and Sherlock glanced up at him, then at each other. Sherlock went back to his task as you gave John a forced half smile.

You and Sherlock had gotten into a fight about something blown completely out of proportion. A guy was flirting with you and of course you told him to kindly fuck off, but Sherlock got mad anyway for whatever reason. That's when the silent treatment started. It took you a few minutes after you got home to notice, as Sherlock would randomly space off sometimes. But you could tell he wasn't in his mind palace.

"Is something wrong?" you had asked, resting your hand on his. He drew his hand back and turned his face to gaze out the window. "Sherlock," you called, a bit upset at Sherlock's sudden disinterest in you. You decided to give him a few minutes to cool off. "I'm going to make tea. Do you want any?" Still no response.

You stood up and softly padded into the kitchen. You stood on your tiptoes trying to reach the tea bags. You huffed. You would usually call over Sherlock to help, but that probably wouldn't have worked. You pulled out a chair and stood on it, finally tall enough to reach the tea bags. You carefully got back down and made tea in silence. It wasn't the silence itself that bothered you, you actually liked silence. It was that Sherlock was ignoring you. It was that this wasn't comfortable silence. When the tea was done, you brought two cups into the living room, setting one down on the table in front of Sherlock and you sat in John's chair with your cup and began to read. You didn't notice that three hours had passed until John walked through the door.

John went to his room. You bit your lip and stared down at your hands in your lap. You wanted to say something, but you didn't know what. In your peripheral vision, you saw Sherlock getting antsy. You glanced up at Sherlock to find him already staring at you, causing you to avert your gaze. Even after seven months together, Sherlock still gave you butterflies.

He suddenly stood up and his footsteps got closer until he stopped right in front of you. You looked up at him, your teeth releasing your lip. Sherlock's eyes flitted to your lips, then up to your eyes. He swiftly leaned down, his hands on the arms of the chair, and kissed you. Your lips slowly moved in sync with his. Your fingers tangled in his curls. He pulled you up out of the chair and wrapped his arms around you. "Forgive me," he said between kisses. "I get terribly jealous."

You pulled away from the kiss to say, "Sherlock, you are the most ridiculous man I've ever met." You paused and inhaled deeply. "I love you."

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