We decided to each have a go, and it was hilarious, actually no hilarious was an understatement. Surprisingly Michael turned out to be the best dancer of us, me being the worst. I am so unbelievably uncoordinated it's not even funny. Well for me anyway, it usually gives other people a good laugh.

After spending hours upon hours laughing and being stupid we decided it was probably time to leave, especially since Michael had to meet his mum in less than 15 minutes.

"See ya later Mikey,"Calum said waving at him as we departed at the bottom of the stairs.

"Goodbye Mike!"

"See ya guys," he laughed as he walked off.

Calum and I left in the opposite direction to his car. We walked and talked, only light conversation, but that's when I saw her. Hannah. I guess you could call her an old 'friend' but I didn't know what I was thinking when I decided to become part of her clan.

"Shit," I said quickly whipping my head around to find a suitable place to hide. I dragged Calum into the shop to my left and hid.

"Lacey what's going on?"



"Just hide," And so he did, he stood next to me in complete confusion, remaining silent on my demands, "Ok you can talk now," I instructed him seeing Hannah was now passed.

"What just happened, why are we in here?"

"That's just someone I used to know and I didn't want them to see me."

"Ok, can we g-" he was cut off by a tall lady dressed in a yellow and blue uniform.

"Hi how can I help you?"

"Umm," I said looking around to realizing we are in a curtain shop, surrounded by hundreds upon hundreds of curtains, "We were just leaving, thank you." I dragged Calum out of the shop in a hurry, just as I had on the way in.

"Well that was spontaneous," Calum stated causing us both to crack up in fits of laughter until we reached his car.

The ride home was mostly uneventful, full of normal conversation and reminiscing on the events of the day. The radio was on in the background filling the conversation's silences, which I was grateful for as dead silent car trips and I don't do to well. I don't what it is it just puts me on edge.

"Turn it up!" Calum shouted across at me, but I was already on it, Backseat Serenade by All Time Low was one of my favourite songs. When the lyrics started we both began belting out the song at the top of our lungs and dancing in our chairs, if you could call it dancing, it was more of a wriggle and squirm.

"OH GOD I'M SICK OF SLEEPING ALONE!" We both screamed the last line, before erupting in laughter.

"That was fun, I haven't done that in ages," I managed to say through my laughter.

We pulled up at my place for Calum to drop me off but I decided to invite him in for a bit. We both clambered out of the car and walked into my place.

"Whoa," That was all he said, really it's all anyone says when they walk into our house for the first time. It's not that it's fancy and new, it's just big. I mean it's like any normal house with toys scattered all over the floor and mismatched furniture, but it's big. I mean really big. Honestly I don't even know why our house is so big but it is.

"Yea it's pretty big," I reply to Calum, who is still standing in awe of the size of our house, "Do you want a drink or anything?"

"Nah I'm good thanks," I lead him up the stairs to my room. I walk through the door and sit on the end of my bed. His eyes scan my room looking at all the things hung on the walls.

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