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"Is this alright, love?" Seokmin pushed in Joy's chair as she sat down but calmed down once he saw the wide grin present upon Joy's face.

"This is perfect, Seokmin!" She yelped quietly and kicked her legs underneath the table excitedly. He reddened and smiled with his eyes.

"Good, good. I mean, I did pay a crap ton but I guess it's worth it." He muttered and she reached over to hold his hand. The lights sparkles in her eyes.

"It's wonderful, okay?" Her soft voice brought him away from his anxiety. "Now, let's eat!" She raised her chopsticks before stabbing them in her chicken wings.

Seokmin only giggled and rubbed her knuckles with his thumb. "Gah, you're so cute. I'm going to die."

Joy rolled her eyes at him and offered him a piece of chicken, the food just a few centimeters from his thick lips.

"No lies, Lee Seokmin. Just enjoy this chicken with me."

He grinned from ear to ear as he acceptingly bit off the piece and continued to hold her hand.

"Is it good?" She asked quietly with puffed out cheeks. He chewed passionately and squeezed her cheek suddenly.

"Anything is good when I'm with you, darling." He crooned and Joy blushed, slowly nodding.

"Except that one street food vendor. We ended up in the hospital for about a month, remember? I knew that pizza was fake!" Joy rambled on until he shushed her with a chicken wing, stuffing her cheeks.

She chewed with a small smile. "Ah, I really love you a lot." Seokmin gushed with flushed cheeks.

"And I love you, too−you and all your screw up qualities." He pouted at her as she let out a loud laugh. "Shut up before the waiters come to tell us we're not allowed to eat here."

"Got it."

Time heals. People change. Food tastes better. Love grows stronger. But that sofa is still there. It'll always be there. Always.

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