Chapter 3

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Thank you for reading my fiction, I hope that I won't disappoint you !

(Open the song for a better  ambiance while reading!)


“There are causes worth dying for, but none worth killing for.” 
― Albert Camus

Harry and Louis were ready to die for peace and promised themselves that they won’t kill even if the cause was to save their life.


Harry’s POV:

We landed and walked some steps more, my breathing hitched when for the first time of my life; I saw the black angels in front of me.

They have big fangs, scary red eyes, huge black wings, all of them wearing red strong armors … They looked demonic, All the nerves of my body begged and pleaded me to run away.

There were a strange calm before the storm. It’s like the world was holding its breath, just waiting to create destruction and chaos.

Everything was so calm. All I heard was the ringing in my ears.

I felt a shiver up my spine when a voice rose, breaking the silence and filling the thick atmosphere; It was a terrifying angel, who I presumed was their king; Des Styles.

His voice was confident and strong.


The only thing separating us now was the magical barrier set by our clan to protect us and I was ashamed to admit that it made me feel safe.

Yes, I’m terrified.

And what’s terrifying me the most isn’t being harmed or dying, it’s the scene that I kept imagining in my head; Bodies of both white and black angels falling dead and the loss of my friends.


My father yelled 

And without further warnings he opened the barrier and then, everything passed in slow motion…

Black angels were coming over us, flying and running and screaming their lungs out.

Both clans already started attacking each other mercilessly.

My fears turned into reality. Blood and bodies were dropping from the sky like rain.

Chaos took over me as blood started to cover my armor.

The only thing I was hearing was my heart throbbing in my neck.

With the loss of my hearing sense, my smelling one grew.

The smell of the thick air enveloped me; Sweat, dust, blood and death mixed in a sickly odor.

My eyes widened as a body fell in front of me.

It was a black angel that I saw earlier in the front row.

He seemed so strong and courageous, fearing nothing. His red eyes almost burning a hole in mine.

He was so terrifying and had such a strong presence.

What a gorgeous angel he was!

But all of it is gone now. Remains his lifeless body lying on the floor.

An endless fight for love (A Larry Stylinson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now