Quick Review

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In case you have forgotten what adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs are, here is a quick review:

An ADJECTIVE describes something or somebody. Lumpy, soft, baggy, messy, and short are adjectives.

An ADVERB tells how something is done. It modifies a verb and usually ends in "ly". Modestly, stupidly, greedily, and carefully are adverbs.

A NOUN is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea. Sidewalk, umbrella, bride, bathtub, and nose are nouns.

A VERB is an action word. Run, pitch, jump, and swim are verbs. Put the verbs in past tense if the directions say PAST TENSE. Ran, pitched, jumped, and swam are verbs in the past tense.

When we ask for a PLACE, we mean any sort of place: a country or city (Spain, Boston) or a room (bathroom, kitchen)

An EXCLAMATION or SILLY WORD is any sort of funny sound, gasp, grunt, or outcry, like Wow!, Ouch!, Whomp!, Ick!, and Gazooks!

When we ask for specific words, like a NUMBER, a COLOR, an ANIMAL, or a PART OF THE BODY, we mean a word that is one of those things, like seven, blue, horse, or head.

When we ask for a PLURAL, it means more than one. For example, cat pluralized is cats.

Author's Note: I took this from the Madlibs book, and I do not own it. Thank you! I promise this is the last of all things I will copy out, word for word especially.

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