Chapter 6

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Ali saw his hand and put two and two together . White paint was sticking to his hand. Of course, how could he not recognise the fact that he did not have the luck of the devil and wasn't one of the fortunate ones enough to create a milestone. Someone had fooled him using a very stupid trick. Ali still couldn't get the fact that a wise man like him was fooled and that too by paint. "Seriously paint?For God's sake!"He cursed and  took out the bird and started tracing his finger over it to find out who what kind of paint was used which could create such a realistic hoax. He was shocked. As far as he had done his homework on paints back in his university days, he had never come across this grade of paint never before. He shrugged away the thought reasoning that it must be a new one he hadn't paid heed to. He made a mental note to order a bucket as soon as he got home. "But who in the world painted it?Is there some kind of tribe living here? What could be the reason." Ali's mind pondered over the different possibilities of this prank. "But I researched before coming ,no tribes live in this part of the forest."Ali reasoned. There must be something more to this. As if on cue,a muffled voice came from a bush nearby,"OW!OW!OW!Drat these longhorn beetles,pesky little bugs!" Ali reacted quickly in a cautious manner. He tiptoed to the bush to get a better look. ",Time to catch the culprit." He smiled . He pushed the leaves aside and gasped loudly at what was before his eyes. He couldn't believe it. "No,this is not possible!!!!You are not possible!"........

A Discovery Which Led To Doomsday (#68 In Mystery/Thriller)Where stories live. Discover now