Chapter 3

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The next day at school, Friday, everyone was talking about the motocross race. Apparently quite a few guys were taking part including people from out of town, and it was going to be a tough contest.

"Hey, Philip, are you going to watch the race?" Tommy asked at lunch.

"I don't know. To be honest I don't really have a ride to get there."

"Oh, you need to come!" said Tracey seriously, "it's such an awesome night, the atmosphere is truly electric."

"Yeah, I can give you a ride, if you want?"

For a moment Philip glanced over to Lukas's table, busy and rowdy as ever, where Lukas was sat with Rose on his lap, people leaning forward eagerly to listen to what he was saying. "Thanks" he said finally, smiling at them. "That would be really cool of you."

That was how, at half six that evening, he found himself in Tommy's old jeep heading to the motocross track, which was about a half hour ride out of town. His phone and camera were safely in the pockets of his jacket- 'don't forget to text us on your way back again, Philip'- and there was a jittery excitement in his stomach.

When they arrived loud music was pumping from the concrete stands. The stands overlooked the track which was full of steep hills and precarious slides, tall floodlights shooting white light over the faces of already a few hundred people milling around. It smelt strongly of beer and hot dogs which were being sold from small concession stands, and the air felt charged and jangling from an excited anticipation, the rowdy noise of a crowd awaiting something special.

Somehow he lost Tommy and Tracey in the swirling crowd when they went to get drinks, but honestly he wasn't that bothered- instead he found a good spot right next to the chain-link fence at the front, so that he could film the race. When the riders lined up at the starting line, the roar of their collective engines undercutting the beat of the thumping music made the crowd go absolutely crazy, stamping their feet and screaming. It was impossible to recognise the individual faces of the competitors, but Philip recognised Lukas's white and black bike near the middle of the pack.

There was a countdown, a gunshot, and all of a sudden they were off- roaring over the sandy track and hurtling over the first jump, some of the riders doing tricks in the air. Lukas kicked both his legs out to the side like a few of the other riders, causing the crowd to scream even louder.

Tracey was right, the atmosphere was undeniably electric- Philip found himself whooping along with everyone else, even as he focused on keeping his camera focused and zoomed in on Lukas the whole way round. During the final lap, the crowd were beside themselves- people were shaking the fence and screaming their favourite's name, the tension in the air tangible. The large pack had broken up throughout the race, but Lukas was still in the front group- about seven riders all fighting to cut in front as the last yards started to fall away.

It was all over in a blur of dust and a howl of engines. Lukas had somehow managed to bag third; he pulled off his helmet as Rose's small figure darted out onto the track, laughing with exhilaration as she threw herself at him. Somewhere behind him, Philip could hear a group of people chanting Lukas's name- Lukas looked towards the stands and grinned at them, before his eyes scanned the rows until they rested on Philip for a moment. Filled with the triumph of the movement, Philip grinned at him and Lukas grinned widely back before Rose started talking to him and he quickly looked back at her.

Luckily, Philip found Tracey and Tommy waiting by the jeep- both of them were pumped from the excitment of watching the race. "Rose has just announced she's having a party at her house to celebrate, are you in?" Tommy asked as they set of.

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