1st Beat

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Byulyi was walking silently in the hallway going to their classroom when she noticed a guy standing in front of the principal's office. By looking at the guy, she already knows that the guy is a new student in their school.

She walked towards the guy and patted the guy's shoulder. The new student looked at her with a questioning face, "you need help?" Byulyi asked, making the guy nod his head as an answer.

"I want to talk to the principal but I feel nervous," the guy answered. Byulyi looked at him and signalled him to wait.

Byulyi opened the door after knocking three times, "Good morning Mrs Lee," she greeted the old lady with a smile, making the lady smile back at her.

"Good morning, what can I do for you Ms Moon?" the lady asked.

"Oh, I'm not actually the one who needs help, ma'am. I found him in front of your office and I think he's a transfer student," Byulyi answered.

The older lady nodded and looked at the guy behind the girl, "you must be Mr Kim?" the guy nodded and bowed at her respectfully, making Byulyi chuckle at him.

"Good morning Mrs Lee, I came to get my room number and schedule," the guy asked kindly.

Mrs Lee quickly gets the boy's schedule and give it to him.

"Here. Ms Moon, please help him find his class," Mrs Lee commanded. Byulyi didn't hesitate and quickly nodded her head as a sign of saying yes to the older woman, "okay ma'am."

Both students politely thanked and said goodbye to Mrs Lee before leaving the room.

When they left the room, the new boy handed Byulyi his schedule list for her to check.

"Thank you so much, Ms Moon. By the way, I'm Minseok, Kim Minseok," the boy politely said and offered his hand to the other for a formal handshake but Byulyi just stared at his hand.

After staring at Minseok's hand, Byulyi looked straight to the way again and said her name to the new boy in the very low volume of her voice "Byulyi," she whispered.

Minseok nodded his head and smiled, "Okay! So, Byunmi, where are we going?" He politely asked.

Byulyi heard the Byunmi thing and mentally laughed at the other for calling her the wrong name. She brushed the wrong name away from her mind and just answered the new boy's question, "to my room we have the same class and schedule," Byulyi responded.

"Oh, what a lucky day," the new boy said. A big smile plastered on his face as if he's the luckiest guy in the world.

Byulyi noticed it but decided not to talk anymore and just continued walking until they reached their destination.

* * *

"Kim Minseok, willing to be your friend! Please be nice to me," The new boy said while smiling so wide in front of the whole class.

"Okay, welcome to this class, Mr Kim. Please sit there," the teacher said, pointing to the 3rd-row seat beside the window next to the guy named Kyungsoo. Minseok smiled at Kyungsoo and waved his hands to him but the boy only stared at him blankly so he retrieved his hand away and sat on his seat.

The new boy, Minseok, sat quietly and tried to focus his attention on their teacher's discussion.

A few hours later, the discussion ended and the first break finally came. Minseok roamed his eyes around the class to scan and study his new classmates until he noticed the girl he met earlier which he knew as Byunmi. She was doing nothing and just staring outside the window. Minseok also noticed that there is no one coming beside the girl, making him wonder if she doesn't have any friends.

He looked back and roamed his eyes around once again. Kyungsoo, his seatmate, is talking to another two guys he remembers as Baekhyun and Chanyeol. All of their classmates that are currently inside the room were talking to each other except Byunmi.

He walked towards the girl and stood in front of her, smiling so wide like an idiot but the girl he knows by the name Byunmi doesn't even give him a spare glance, not even once.

"Hey, Byunmi? Notice me, I'm here," said Minseok. Byulyi chuckled at what the new boy called her before finally giving him her attention.

"Finally. Why are you not eating?" The guy asked. Byulyi just stared at him. She doesn't have an appetite for today but this is also the first time someone approached her for this semester so instead of ignoring the guy, she responded, "do you want me to accompany you to the cafeteria?" She asked plainly.

"If you don't have anything to do then, that's something I'll appreciate for sure," Minseok answered, smiling so wide to the girl continuously.

Byulyi didn't waste her energy talking and just stood up then walked outside, Making the boy confused.

"Hey, Byunmi! Where are you going?" The new boy asked.

"Just follow me," she answered. Their classmates are staring— watching them talk with shocked and confused faces because it is the first time Byulyi hangs out with someone.

Both Byulyi and Minseok went out going to the cafeteria together. Byulyi was silent while Minseok remained talking to the other.

Once they reached the cafeteria, Byulyi went to a vending machine to get a strawberry flavoured juice and grabbed a few snacks for her to eat while Minseok also got himself his own food. He also searched for a vacant seat for both him and his classmate.

They both sat facing each other. Minseok started talking again, "the school has a nice cafeteria." He said, making Byulyi nod her head then start eating her own food too.

"You are the first person that I know here. By the way, thank you for accompanying me," again, Byulyi only nodded at him.

"You're quite silent huh," said Minseok.

"And you're talkative," Byulyi replied. She didn't even give the other a single glance.

"Oh yes, sorry I might annoy you."

"No it's fine, just talk if you want to," Byulyi replied. After a few minutes, they finished their meal and went back to their room for their next subject.

"Say present once I called your name," the teacher said. She starts calling the names of her students one by one until she reaches Byulyi.

"Moon Byul Yi," She called.

"Present," that's when Minseok felt embarrassed after hearing the girl he knows as Byunmi responded to the name Moon Byul Yi. He realised that he's been calling the girl with the wrong name, that's why she keeps on chuckling whenever he's calling her Byunmi.

"Lastly, Mr Kim Minseok. Please tell us about yourself," the teacher asked, so Minseok stood up and introduced himself again to the whole class.

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