Chapter Two

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Sexy Ass Alpha Zaikai Above... Buuut... With No Glasses...😋

Grey's POV:

Rules?!? Alright... New plan... BEFORE I escape from these psychos, I will try to make it a goal to break most, if not all of them... Hehe...

' Ready baby?' Sebastian suddenly clears his throat, snapping me from my thoughts. I don't reply, I just keep my gaze locked on my new wolf... I'll name him Oliver... Ollie for short! Wow... Now I'M turning fucking psychotic!

Rule 1- No kicking, cursing, yelling, throwing, ETC.
Rule 2- No touching yourself... Babies don't do that😏😏
Rule 3- Only talk like a baby, unless told otherwise
Rule 4- Only crawl, unless we allow you to walk
Rule 5- Use your nappy... That's what it's there for
Rule 6- Eat and drink whatever we give you
Rule 7- No fighting bath time or highchair sitting
Rule 8- No going to the garden by yourself... Rouges are common near pack territory
Rule 9- No climbing the stairs by yourself
Rule 10- Stay in headspace
Rule 11- Only call us Daddy and Dada
Rule 12- Stay in your cot until we get you out
Rule 13- Take your punishments like a big boy
Rule 14- Don't take off your clothes
Rule 15- Don't sneak around the house
Rule 16- No going into the kitchen alone
Rule 17- No going onto the balconies
Rule 18- Stay out of Daddy and Dada's room without permission
Rule 19- Be good during playtime with other pups or fledglings... Or humans
Rule 20- No using the big boy potty until we let you get potty trained

Any more rules... And I will literally rip my fucking hair out! Twenty rules?!? Okay... I'll be able to break all of them... I'll make it a new goal before I leave.

' Any questions?' Zaikai pipes up, bouncing me on his knee softly. I have to admit... It's quit soothing when he doe- WAIT A MINUTE!! I'm already slipping slowly, but surely, into headspace?! I've only just got into the damn place! No Graham... Stay strong...(Don't get confused... His real name is Graham... But he's been going by Grey for years... Just so that's all clear...)

I don't answer, hoping to get them to leave me alone. Zaikai sighs, stands up with me on his hip, and carries me towards the archway.

Upon entering, all the blood instantly drains from my body... There is... Two... Three... Six different people in the damn room... Which happens to be a huge, gorgeous kitchen... Also neat and tidy. Of course! Having a lycan kidnapping me, I had to expect that he would own a pack... They are probably Alpha's I'm assuming... Just wonderful! Note the damn fucking sarcasm...

' Awe!! He is SO cute!!' A gorgeous dirty blonde-haired girl squeals happily, coming over to us with an ACTUAL little girl hanging off her leg. At least she isn't psycho! So far...

' What's his name bub?' She asks, looking up at Zaikai with amazement and happiness on her blemish free face. She's pale also... Twin fangs poking out from her dark red lips as well... Well I suppose she would be a vampire as well... If ZAIKAI is her brother...

' His name is Graham...' Sebastian butts in proudly, the exact same happy smile reflecting on his own face.

' My name... Is Grey! Thank you very much...' I snap back hotly, causing her to giggle. Okay... I think I was wrong... She IS as psychotic as the others... Just great! I'm trapped, in a pack house, full of damn psycho vampires and lycans, and being forced to be a damn baby for two Alpha's... This day just keeps getting better and better.

' He's so feisty isn't he... I hope you can handle him...' She chuckles, leaning down to pull the black haired little girl into her arms, and then walking back over to a black-haired sexy lycan... Damn wolves...

' Yes... Well... How about some breakfast.' Zaikai grumbles, his grip tightening around me, as he steps his way around all the people just standing and gawking at me.

   I instinctively bury my head into Zaikai's warm neck... The musty scent of his Axe cologne filling my nostrils. He smells really good... Okay Grey... Back it the fuck up! Why... Am... I... SWOONING... For... Him!! I'm not even his mate... I think it's just the baby bond with him...

' Can you hand me the applesauce and a baby bottle of warm cinnamon milk please babe...' Zaikai says, managing to wrestle me into an arrow grey themed highchair... And what in the bloody hell is... Cinnamon...?!

' Here you go... Awe!! His first food with us babe!! It's so damn wonderful!' Sebastian squeals happily, handing him the food. He takes a little baby spoon, takes a medium-sized spoonful, and holds it up to my lips. I'm not quit sure what... Applesauce is... But it looks like... Mushed up animal brains... It smells good though.

I make a disgusted face, and shake my head frantically. I'm afraid to put that in my mouth!! It's yucky looking!

' It's good baby... It's just puréed apples with some sugar, cinnamon, and a little water to make it mushy! It's good baby... I promise.' Zaikai coos softly, holding it up to my lips again. I timidly open a little, but he still manages to stick the spoon in. I swallow with a little hesitance, but instantly light up at the sweet taste... It's fucking amazballs!

' That's good huh Prince...' Zaikai coos again, as I open my mouth wider, and he thankfully gives me another spoonful. All too soon, the applesauce is all gone... Leaving me clinically depressed... I make a pouty face from the absence of it, and hear everyone laugh.

' It's okay baby... I'll give you some more after your nap.' Zaikai laughs warmly, lifting me from the chair, grabbing the bottle, and walking back into the sitting room. Sadly, the group of six follows him in... I can't drink a bottle in front of all these people! Scratch that whores... I can't drink a damned bottle! At. All!

Despite all my struggles, Zaikai manages to slip the bottle's nipple into my mouth... And all my instincts, cause me to instantly suckle on the damned thing frantically. Zaikai coos softly, kissing my nose, cheek, and forehead a few times in between gulps.

   The milk is warm... And really sweet... That must be that cinnamon stuff they were talking about. After the bottle is nearly empty, I spit it out... Eyes heavy with sleep, as I yawn, clutch Ollie closer, and... Though I hate to admit this... But, cuddle closer to Zaikai... As he rocks me to sleep.

What the fuck has happened to my miserable life... At least when I was on the streets, I was free... This... This is just a prison to me... And I'm forced to live like this?! I have yet to be punished... We'll see how long it takes...

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