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Ordinarily, a father will take his daughter to work on Take Your Daughter to Work Day and she will learn what he does for a living. It will also only be for that one day alone. Well, when your father has a nyght job... It just doesn't work that way. For example, Mark is a pharmacist during the day but is also a bartender at the end of his shift behind the counter. Mark, the fictional father in this scenario, takes his daughter to his company and shows her the filing systems for pills and whatnot. Let's call the daughter Abigail and she falls asleep in the back of Mark's vehicle without the knowledge of her father. Abby then wakes to discover that her father is winking at college girls in bikini tops that have had eight drinks too many.

My situation is similar to Abby's, but a whole lot worse.

I apologise for sounding melodramatic, but when I was twelve...

Well, I kinda found out that my dad was freaking Batman.

So, I've been his sidekick for eight years now. Obviously, my mum doesn't know. She and my sister haven't had anything to do with us since the divorce when we were three. To be honest, I really don't even remember them all that much. Dad says that I have my mother's hair and temper, both fiery and unwanted.

Back on subject, though!

I go by Nightshade and I am essentially the latest Batgirl upgrade, excluding his other sidekick that does actually go by Batgirl. We're both going undercover as students at Gotham University and Dad is pretending to be a teacher. Robin will be monitoring the campus behind the scenes with Alfred, but won't be joining us as she dislikes school in general. Carrie Fisher, dear citizens, will never be a bookworm or teacher's pet.

But, for the next six months, I will be.

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