Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


March 22nd, 2016 (Continued)

Chase was the antagonist to my protagonist. He was the devil in my story, though I wasn't much of an angel myself. He was everything that was wrong with today, in summation. So I was being a tad overly dramatic.

But really, nothing's changed that much within the last twenty four hours. Other than the fact that the entirety of the student body at Mission Creek High believes that Chase and I slept together. Despite the fact that we never actually did anything of the sort. My lovely new step brother left out a vital piece of information while telling that story earlier, and Stephanie used that to her advantage.

This was one thing I don't think I can ever forgive. Chase crossed a line today, whether he knew it or not. Even if he is going to be my new brother, I'll never treat him like family. Not after this. Maybe the whole thing wasn't technically his fault, but he still played a very vital role in this false story getting out to the whole school. That was an all new low, even for him. His apology had been municipal when compared to his actions over the last few days.

My so called best friend is now questioning my integrity with this story, too. Kim has been silently judging me, yet at the same time wondering if the rumor is true or not. Of all the people in this world, I really thought I could have counted on her to come through and believe me with this. But, I've been proved wrong yet again... And I absolutely hate it.

Today could not get any worse.

"Bree?" Kim called as she gently knocked on the door to the dressing room. "Can I see the you in the dress you tried on?" She questioned warily. I could hear how iffy she was about asking to see me, even through the door.

Despite feeling as though I needed to just go home and hide in my room, locked away where no one could see me, I had somehow been dragged out to the mall with my best friend, and one of Kim's friends. Skylar Valentine was a year below us, being a sophomore, and just so happened to be dating one of my distant cousins, Oliver Fletcher. The two had been inseparable since middle school, so she would be at the wedding between my mother and Donald Davenport along with Oliver. Though I barely knew her, she seemed nice enough. At least she hadn't questioned me about the whole Chase thing like Kim had.

Kim had brought us here to try on dresses for the prom that was coming up the last week of April. That was just five weeks away, and in prom time, five weeks is practically amounted to five days. Now, Kim was vying to get back into my good graces after she had asked about a million questions relating to Chase and I's relationship.

"Fine." I sighed, pushing the pen into the crease of the notebook and tossing it onto my backpack once more. I smoothed out the short red dress Kim had picked out for me until the only creases left were the ones specifically made to be there. The top had a sort of sweetheart neckline, while the bottom flared out.

I made my way over to the door and clicked the lock open, taking a step back just in time for Kim to walk into the small room. I did a sort of curtsy her way as she shut the door. I did like the dress, and I was sure I would wear it to prom, I just wasn't so happy that Kim had picked it out. "You look so good!" Kim whispered as she clutched her hands over her chest. The girl had a way of getting overly excited about things like this.

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