Dying in Cold Blood in Nowhere, USA

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I dreamed I lived a different life, one where I roamed the land in search of acceptance, and I stayed with this family for a while. They were a rustic family raising cattle and living a farmers lifestyle. The father was a harsh man not unloving but more a solemn, tough man knowing the hardships and atrocities that his son would face. I stayed a while helping around on the farm herding cattle and various other tasks, telling them of my past and my adventures, my bad times and good times and even the horrible things I had done. Eventually there came a time when I'll tidings befell the home. Someone robbed the small house of God only knows what little they had to steal. I could see him in the distance about a football field or more away. "We can't catch him" said the father, "he's too far away.". I began running, trying to catch him. The wind whipped and swirled around me as I began to pick up speed. This being a dream, I caught up with him and everything went black. Only darkness engulfing my vision and an emptying loneliness consuming my physical presence.

When I woke up my astral presence relived my life allowing me to talk and learn of how I had lived and gain insight to myself. I learned many things of myself and even more about my impact on others. How I changed their lives and helped them. Eventfully I happened upon the farmhouse once more. As I entered I began to talk to the man. He told me what I needed to know, I was dead. I had been gaining insight to my life and why I was no longer living it. He told me that the man had shot me in the head. We struggled and he got the upper hand. I feel back into a chair in disbelief. I felt so real, so visceral and so alive. We talked a while and eventually I decided to roam the acres of land he owned. Curiously enough I hadn't seen his son around. I roamed a while, admiring and marveling at the beauty I had missed in my hasty labor. I stared across the land enjoying the immaculate scenery and the shifting colors of the trees as time seemed to fly by passing the seasons in seconds. I saw leaves fall and rise, snow freeze and melt and I basked in the suns warmth when I could. I meandered the area until I recognized the spot I dreaded. Off in the distance I saw a body lying in a pool of blood. "How fitting for the bastard." I thought to myself. Suddenly I found myself standing over him. I spoke a few words with no response from him, but I knew he could hear me. I screamed and yelled filled with ire, I hated him. "I hope you enjoyed it!" I yelled, "I hope it was worth it you fucker! I hope you can live with it!" I was furious at him, at me, at everything. "I hope it was everywhere! That it wasn't some little hole that leaked blood, I hope you blew my whole god damned head off! Got it everywhere, all over you and I hope you can never wash it off! I hope it stains your soul forever and you regret every second you can feel!" I collapsed and began sobbing. I had enjoyed living and the thought of my good intentions only leading to my past morality catching up and karma dealing a fate changing blow overwhelmed me. People passed by uncomfortably staring at the strange scene before them. They could only see me, not the lifeless transgressor laying in front of me. I was alone again save for the mourning and the small remnants of blood that remained from his faded body. Eventually I got up when I couldn't talk, or cry anymore, and went back to the house. As I entered the man was nowhere to be found, but his son stood front and center in the kitchen cooking. "You didn't struggle you know. He killed you in cold blood." He said. I stared intently, yet quizzically at him formulating a response yet I was speechless. "He snuck up on you and put the gun to your head. You were dead before you hit the ground." With a sudden revelation I woke up....

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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Dying in Cold Blood in Nowhere, USA (Short Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora