Chapter 4

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I worried all day about that one little thing. Did I actually, without knowing it, do that irreversible thing? Was it such a bad thing? As soon as that thought crossed my mind, I knew. I knew that the statement was true. Maybe I wanted to like him. Maybe. Maybe. I really didn't know at that time. Other people labeled him "weird" and just went on with their lives. But not me. I labeled him as "Special." "Special" as in funny, kind, quirky, but in his own way. I guess everyone has their own way of doing things, and maybe we're all weird in our own ways. I looked up from my seat. He was looking at me. My stomach was doing flips. I knew, then more than ever before, that I liked him. Oddly, I was ok with that. The hardest part was that I couldn't tell any of my friends. They'd practically disown me. And after the problem with Ai not too long ago, I just don't want that to be repeated. Other people told him to go die in a hole, and I'd just stick with him. It was that day in math when everything changed.

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