"Your... face.... though." He scrunched his face up even more while I struggled to breath.

"Huh, I like this girl." Victor smiled at me and turned to Welsh. "If you guys don't mind, this has to be a private conversation." I stopped laughing at once and glowered at him. "And.. I promise not to lay a finger on him. Wouldn't want to get burnt." He winked at me, and I swear my heart melted a little.

I gave a curt nod and left the room. I still have to explore this beautiful hallway.

As I was walking down the hallway, I spotted a beautiful painting of a snow leopard standing along side a stunning tan wolf. My eyes got drawn to the leopard however. It's silky white spotted fur looked perfect. It's dark blue eyes, surprisingly, looked exactly like mine. Somehow, the leopard reminded me of, well me. The leopard was gazing lovingly at the Wolf. I smiled. Two opposites.

"Lowell and Kenaz. The most sacred hunters and lovers." I jumped a the voice, not realizing anyone was there. I turned my head to look at the speaker and saw Brady. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and legs crossed. Even though I loathed the man, I couldn't control my heart and right now it was saying he looked sexy.

I raised my eyebrow at him, wanting him to explain further.

"They were two different species-" I rolled my eyes. Well duh genius. "And because of this difference, they were not allowed to be together. Every time they would come near each other, duty would call or some problem would get in the way." I turned back around to the painting and gazed at the majestic animals again.

"Although they were almost always apart, they somehow found a way to be together one day. That one day was all it took for their love to grow. They started a war with their council saying they would leave their post as hunters and move far away. Their elders did not want their most prized soldiers to leave, so they changed the law, allowing different species to fall in love with each other." I almost sighed at his last words. If only it could be that easy.

I turned around and squeaked. There he was, inches from my face ans gazing intently into my eyes. I swear if time could stop, I would still be staring into those mesmerizing emeralds of his. His eyes held hidden emotions and a great deal of sadness inside. All I wanted to do at the moment was take away his pain. Take away the hurt for him. Take away the guilt.

But.. I couldn't. My eyes held hidden emotion too, far greater than his. My eyes hold heartbreak, guilt,sadness, terror, and worry. All in one package, and I can never get rid of that. Especially when the cause of my heartbreak is standing in front of me.

I stepped back and dropped my gaze to the floor. "I have to go."

With that, I brushed past him and went straight to Victors office, thinking about the story he told me. It couldn't be more true.


"You get the smaller one." I wanted to slap him so bad right now.

"No, I think you are mistaken sir," I tried to use my politeness. "The smaller of the two definitely goes to the higher up business man." I gave Welsh a fake smile. He rolled his eyes.

"You are pretty, but sleep calls to me more babe." He moved towards the large doors while I smirked.

"Race ya!" Before he could even comprehend what I had just shouted, I had already raced into the room and locked the doors. I laughed when I heard him curse.

"Damn it Zoey!" I heard him bang on the door a few times before he mumbled yet another curse, and walked off.

I let go of the door handle and looked at my new bedroom for a few days.

A beautiful king sized bed with satin sheets, sat in the middle of the room, pushed back against the wall. Golden pillows lined the top of the bed, while a ocean blue comforter covered the bottom half. I shifted my eyes away from the comfy looking bed and to the rest of the room.

A black waxed dresser sat against the left corner of the room with a beautiful antique mirror on top. Beside that was two doors leading to what I presumed, was the balcony. On the other side of the doors, about seven feet away, was a bedside table with a coral lamp on it. Right beside the bed.

Oh. My. God.

I squealed and ran to the bed, jumping into it.

"This is like my dream bedroom!" I squealed again, to no one. I snuggled deeper into the pillows and sighed. I looked around again, but this time, something caught my eye.

Beside the lamp on the bedside table, was a book. I reached over to grab it and searched for the title. There was none. It was just a plain leather book with a spiral on the front.

I flipped open the cover and on the very first page was the title.

The Tale of:

Lowell and Kenaz


Wow. What a coincidence right???! Anyways, hoped you enjoyed it! I tried to make this one longer and a little bit more detailed. Why not?

If you guys could please-Vote, Comment ,and Follow me, that would help me so much . It would also help you to know when I am updating.


Lowell~ Young wolf

Kenaz~ Hunter

Born Killer (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now